Need exercise help!

suzksell Posts: 48 Member
I'm new to posting, but not to the site. I've been at this since January, and still plugging away. My weight loss is slow because I am awaiting a hip replacement (can't get it done until the school year ends because I am a teacher), and I have no mobility in my left leg. I also have to baby my hip because the entire side goes out on me if I'm not careful.

I DESPERATELY need to figure out a way to get some low-impact cardio in on a regular basis. I walk when I can (mostly at school in the hallways early in the morning so that I'm on a flat surface), but it only takes about 1/3 of a mile before I'm literally dragging my left leg behind me.

I realize this sounds crazy, but are there any suggstions out ther for me?


  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    Do you have any way to swim? Either a pool at the gym or maybe one in your school district that they'd let you use after school?
  • mamma321
    mamma321 Posts: 25 Member
    a really good low impact cardio would be squat punches....where you squat as far as you can it does not have to be that low just so you have some sort of resistance on your legs, then throw cross body punches...This is on the 30day shred with Jillian...and she says it is great if you have a bad back or anything lower than that...hope this helps...also not to sure but would the recument bike be to much on your hips?
  • gumby101ca
    gumby101ca Posts: 539 Member
    i dont have a hip issue so its kinda hard to know what you feel but the only 2 i can think of is swimming or cycling, not sure if you have tried either but worth a try i would think.
  • mkennedym
    mkennedym Posts: 253 Member
    have you tried a stationary bike? i'm not sure how a hip injury would impede you, but stationary bikes are relatively no impact on your joints.
  • suzksell
    suzksell Posts: 48 Member
    Stationary bike is out because I literally cannot bend my left leg at the hip. Swimming would be great, but I don't have a pool available to me until after Memorial Day. However, I am going to try the Jillian Michaels--modified to work for me right now. I've had some good days lately and have been able to burn quite a few calories nearly every day walking, but it's nice to have some variety. As soon as I get my hip replaced and have clearance from the surgeon, I will add resistance training.