Anybody trying to GAIN weight?



  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    ^^Great reply.

    I enjoyed the benefits of gaining muscle while losing fat for a while. I dropped from 160ish to 145, but had put muscle on during that time. Now I'm leveling out. I feel like I'm still able to gain a small amount of muscle while cutting minimal fat at this point (almost a year into lifting). But its definately becoming harder to do so, even with decent nutrition.

    Plus it goes so much faster if you just bulk and cut within reason. I'll look fine bulking to 170 this winter, might get a little soft, but by next summer I should hopefully be a lean 160 or so. If I just ate clean and kept lifting, I don't think I'd get over 155 by next year.
  • codymham
    codymham Posts: 11
    This is like having you guys think the whole process out for me. I think I'm going with the bulk/cut thing.

    And steroids. Lots and lots of steroids. Specifically because I'm also trying to grow a nice set of b's. I might shoot for c's... more to grab that way.

    The second part may or may not be a joke.