Worst day EVER!!!



  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    It's okay....This is real LIFE and LIFE happens...You're human! Don't let the bummed days define you! Let the good ones outweigh the bad!

    Good Luck!!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    ROFL OMG you want the worst day ever...or should i say month....or should i say all of this bloody year,,,,,,
    i have lost 4/5 lbs no not 45 4 to 5 lbs from before xmas now with no booze,chocs or any other naughtys,exersice like i'm joining the olympics team...and still losing bugger all!
    i have sooo come to the end of my teather and really thinking about getting a gastric band on now :(
    so i am really sorry but please dont beat yourself up about one little slip it wont kill you infact it will make you stronger! you will have learnt from this mistake and yes we all have them! just remember for next time and take it easy!!!! you amazonian!
    and think of poor little(ok big) me loosing nothing and falling from the wagon very very fast :(

    p.s sorry for my rant also!
  • parisianskies002
    Awwww l didn't know how serious this was until l saw this - please don't worry! We all have those days, even l have had it twice where l binged on cakes, crisps and fries, and l had been been ashamed to log it on here! (bit naughty of me)

    How about setting yourself a goal weekly instead, and treat yourself to a nice indian or chinese meal? l have still lost weight whilst treating myself at the weekend so you can do this too! Eat healthy and workout during the week and look forward to having that one treat you deserve at the weekend. lt will help you hell of a lot, l promise ya! You've had problems with your leg as you've stated, you could try using an elliptical which puts less pressure on your joints (if not, perhaps some relaxing yoga and crunches?)

    Periods are a big problem, one thing l can totally relate to!
    l'm due on in two weeks and l'm already desperate to go and get a KFC (l live in a town full of restaurants so it can be quite daunting) But do not beat yourself up about this. Consider what l said, and try to set yourself a cheat day at the weekend instead. lt's NOT affected me so it should definitely not affect you :)

    Good luck!
  • boomsmom
    boomsmom Posts: 60 Member
    Iceskatefanrn said it greatly!! Change it now, don't give up on today. I have taught chair aerobics to seniors as well as individuals in wheelchairs. There are lots of workout out there. Also some deep breathing as well.

    I totally get where you are coming from. I just ended my TOM and during it I just wanted to eat everything in site. It was crazy. I sometimes have to step back and ask myself do I really want what it is I am craving? There are times I realize I don't and have a glass of water or a glass of unsweetened iced tea (just to change up the flavor), other times I say "I WANT WHAT I WANT!!!" and nothing is going to stop me and I have it. Sometimes I realize after the first few bites it's not worth it and others I eat it all, whatever it may be, but I never "punish" myself. I just move on and don't dwell. We all have slips here and there. This is a journey, we all have the same destination and together with the support of MFP and a little self affirmation, we got this.

    Keep your head up and just remember it is only one day out of hudred of thousands!!!!!!!!

    Friend me if you would like, I'll give you some positives!!!!! <3
  • wwagw72
    wwagw72 Posts: 45
    We had an office carry in. Enough said!! I am with you:(
  • DaniiDean
    DaniiDean Posts: 162 Member
    You are all amazing! Thank you so much! Bubble bath waiting for me and 'The intimate adventures of a London call girl' ready to be read!!!
  • jazgal
    jazgal Posts: 122
    we have all been there .. it is great you recongnized it .... tomorrow is a new day and you start with a clean slate ... try to go lite the rest of the day ...