night eating disorders



  • LElizabethL
    When I was in high school, I used to eat when when I was stressed even if I wasn't hungry. It was the pressure of performing well in school. I found other ways to deal with the stress and I stopped. Perhaps your nightly binge eating is due to stress as well. I would suggest writing down what you are feeling/thinking when you feel like you are going to start your night binge. That way you can see what is stressing you out and deal with it rather than losing yourself in food. Good Luck!
  • kateminx
    kateminx Posts: 62 Member
    you could always handcuff yourself to your bed like dr. jekyll.
    i tried this once and almost broke my wrists trying to get out of bed

    I sleepwalk and my husband has to lock the doors so I dont know where the keys are - I wake up with dirty feet .. so have been taking trips outside ! I also try to cut food - knives are moved sometimes and doors left open - usual signs! Hubby gets very freaked out when Im just standing over him :)
    Dont eat though!
  • gable39
    gable39 Posts: 9 Member
    the biggest reason I am obese is from night eating. I began taking Ambien a few years ago and gained 60 lbs! I can eat normla calorie amounts during the day but eat up to 1500 calories at night.
    I know I need to quit Ambien but I cannot sleep withott it, I am going to get some help for this problem, but it is really difficult!
  • gable39
    gable39 Posts: 9 Member
    It's really hard, I am half asleep and I will eat up hundreds of calories. I take Ambien so I know this is a major contributor to why I eat at night. I am obese because of this. I am going to my Dr tomorrow to talk to her about it. Addiction sucks
  • me1howard
    me1howard Posts: 45 Member
    don't know if you are still on here, but I have the same problem! I'm not even aware that i have eaten! Can certainly relate!
  • gable39
    gable39 Posts: 9 Member
    I have been able to quit taking Ambien and it has helped enormously. It was rough at first but now I sleep like a normal person. Well worth the 2 mos of inadequate sleep to be able to be off that stuff!