Is the elliptical effective?



  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    I like the article as well, it makes good sense - the part about being repetitive and not like other "useful" activities resonates with "common sense". Still, I've personally had great results with the elliptical, especially in the first several months of getting fit.

    When I started using the elliptical, it was because I couldn't play racquetball for a while due to a shoulder injury. The first time I tried it I could only do 5 minutes, and even that little bit nearly killed me. After about 6 weeks, I could do an hour at a moderate setting. I've now incorporated the elliptical into my routine. It has helped me lose quite a bit of weight, and improved my stamina greatly. As I approach my goal weight, I've added the rower and the treadmill to my routine.

    Glad I tried the elliptical. It seems to help me keep losing the lbs.
    Finally getting close to my goal weight.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    For a calorie burn it is great. The only reason I don't like them is because the movement doesn't necessarily translate into real-world activities like running or jogging. Have you ever seen anyone elliptical any where?
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    It is for me. I used it to lose almost all of the weight seen in my ticker. I incorporate insane HIIT routines on mine. It may not be for everyone, but I have knee issues as well from being heavy + gout. It's up to you how you wanna get your cardio in, and the elliptical is just one of many machines that are suited for that.
  • ChunTingO
    ChunTingO Posts: 225 Member
    i love it!!! i burn so much on it and i sweat a lot out. its worth it!
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    i agree with others. i like the elliptical and i think it's effective and easy on your joints. i've lost 18 lbs with the elliptical being one of my main cardio workouts. keep it up, increase your time little by little. you're doing great! :happy:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    For a calorie burn it is great. The only reason I don't like them is because the movement doesn't necessarily translate into real-world activities like running or jogging. Have you ever seen anyone elliptical any where?

    100% agreed. If you spend months doing the elliptical your endurance may be a bit betterand you may be able to run a little better, due to being more fit. But if you would have spent all that time on the treadmill you would have increased your running speed/distance by a much greater margin. As running, on the treadmill, allowed you to transition to the real world whereas nothing in the real world has you move as the elliptical does.
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    I lost the majority weight on mine as well... I'll never part with my elliptical!! and now I do HIIT on it for more of a calorie burn and I do the P90X DVD's
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    It's good. Keep it up. It's easy on the knees. :)

    You can use it for 10 minutes to warm up before weights. You can also use it for 1/2 hour as your primary workout that day.

    i would love to use this but find it hard on my knees :ohwell: am i doing it wrong, im guessing so

    I had ACL reconstruction sugery 4 years ago and I have to be very careful on the elliptical not to let my knees go into a locked position. If that happens I will get that odd 'your using borrowed tissue in your knee feeling'. I just keep my stride on the shorter side and I am fine.
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    I read the article what are the 1000 other exercises that are better for you?? I like the elliptical
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I read the article what are the 1000 other exercises that are better for you?? I like the elliptical

    That's my problem with these stupid articles. They all say what their opinion is, but never offer an alternative. I have no physical reason not to be able to run except for the girls (now a G and not showing any signs of going away any time soon.) It just looks stupid running and holding your boobs down at the same time.
  • Lou05
    Lou05 Posts: 66 Member
    think i will have to go back to this even if i have to build it up. ( i will Make this machine work for me )
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    Oy, I can't seem to do the elliptical. Within 2 minutes the tops of my thighs burn so bad I have to stop. I usually go to the treadmill because I can adjust the incline to get just as much calorie burn as if I was jogging.

    However, I'm sure the elliptical isn't bad. When I had a trainer they always told me it was best.