Newbie here

I just got back from the doctor, where I stepped on the scale and weighed more than I ever had (215). I need to lose about 45pounds. I feel like somebody flipped a switch when I was 25 and I've been gaining weight ever since. The last few years have been really frustrating...I exercise quite a bit, but it just doesn't seem to have the same effect it used to. I also don't eat poorly: I rarely eat things like burgers or pizza, I try to stick to chicken or fish. My weaknesses are Thai food. I also probably drink too much beer & wine. It'll be tough to cut that out with the friends I hang out with, who think nothing about tipping back six beers during a football game. In any event, I figured I needed something like MFP to help me keep track of things. This is going to be tough.


  • Farmjunkie
    I have been there and its a hard road to travel. Keep your chin up and keep pushing forward and you will achieve your goal...:smile:
  • bexfield
    bexfield Posts: 21
    I can so relate to this. I went through a period late last year of eating pad see eiu almost once a week. Anything made of noodles is hard to turn down. Best of luck!