late day workouts

I tend to work out later evening. 7-8pm and often dont get back home till 10 from the gym. I enter my workout and then have a massive calorie defecit somedays. I am worried about eating too much during the day because if something comes up and I don't get to the gym, then I have eaten too many calories. I am pushing my workouts now and feeling hungry ALL the time even with all the protein and fresh foods I eat (even hungry right after I eat sometimes). This started just this week. I am worried about falling into a starvation mode, only because of all that hunger I feel and still keeping within my suggested daily intake. My question is, do I eat something before bed? Do I listen to my hunger during the day and grap and extra piece of fruit or veggies? I can work out and sleep 5 minutes later so I do. I come home, shower and go to bed. I don't want to eat because I won't rest well because my body is digesting. Protein drinks? I should add that I am down 12 lbs now but just started with mfp 2 weeks ago. I love it here!


  • vcreinert
    vcreinert Posts: 83
    Talk to the trainer at the gym...they may have some answers.
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    Oops, was looking at two threads at once and posted to the wrong one.

    I like to workout late in the day too, easier to find parking for one. I am pretty regular with working out everyday so I plan my calories ahead. My calorie goal (net) is also around 1500 so I am willing to go down to net 1200 Cal if I just plain don't want to eat anymore. So maybe give yourself some flexibility in a goal range instead of a single number?

    Another idea is to have some simple workout options at home. Maybe a DVD, some weights, tension bands, etc. That way if you don't end up going to the gym, you can still squeeze in some exercises at home. This came in handy for me when the gym was closed for the holidays or I was snowed in.
  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    I say yes definitely listen to your body. If your hungry have a snack just make sure they are healthy and then you don't have to worry about the extra calories. It sounds like your body needs more fuel with the more intense exercising you are doing.
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    I have late workouts often (9-10 at night). I usually plan my meals around the amount of cals I want to burn later. If it's a HIIT day where I might burn 500 cals I'll add a bit to some of my meals.

    If I end up at night with a huge deficit and I'm hungry, I eat. Usually, something with high cals, but still nutritionally beneficial like Peanut Butter or a glass of chocolate milk. If I'm not hungry, I might eat a little something, but don't worry about it too much.
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Double post...nothing to see here...
  • Tina1128
    Tina1128 Posts: 37
    Try to eat more calories through the day... also peanut butter or nuts or avacado are really great "big calorie small quantity" foods. :smile:
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I'm in the same boat with the late workouts due to a long commute. I am currently working with a trainer (circuit training 7:15-8 three days a week). He has told us to not eat anything other than protein after 9 p.m.

    When I get in I don;t want to eat either. Neither am I a huge fan of the pre-bottled protein drinks. So, I will usually pour myself a 12 oz glass of vanilla flavored almond milk and stir in a scoop of vanilla flavored whey powder. It's filling but not too much for after workout, and it's a good bedtime drink.

    Other than that, keep a sandwich bag of bite size veggies on hand to graze on during the day. I use carrots, sugar snap peas, grape tomoatoes, and sliced zuchinni.