"Paleo diet" - 70% fat???



  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member

    A new study that states that low carb eating my reverse kidney disease in diabetics. Hummmmm your kidneys won't asplode?????
  • vjh431
    vjh431 Posts: 38
    Hello there I'm a paleo guy and this equation sounds inaccurate. I would say its 50% Protein 40%Fat 10%Carbohydrate with lots of water, veggies, nuts, and sometimes fruit thrown in the mix.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hello there I'm a paleo guy and this equation sounds inaccurate. I would say its 50% Protein 40%Fat 10%Carbohydrate with lots of water, veggies, nuts, and sometimes fruit thrown in the mix.

    Everyone's ratios are going to vary a little bit.............we have to find the ratios that work for each one of us.

    For me, the higher fat % works better........
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    As far as I can tell, the diet is supposed to mimic what we ate before the agriculture industry.Milk and eggs weren't consumed, neither was grain. I am not sure about the percentages.

    Wasn't life expectancy back then in the 40's too?

    I get nauseous with the number of commercial, "lose weight quick schemes" that are out there. Everything in moderation (remember the 4 basic food groups from elementary school), exercise, and patience are the key ingredients to a healthy lifestyle.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    As far as I can tell, the diet is supposed to mimic what we ate before the agriculture industry.Milk and eggs weren't consumed, neither was grain. I am not sure about the percentages.

    Wasn't life expectancy back then in the 40's too?

    I get nauseous with the number of commercial, "lose weight quick schemes" that are out there. Everything in moderation (remember the 4 basic food groups from elementary school), exercise, and patience are the key ingredients to a healthy lifestyle.

    That is an average life expectancy based on the fact that many children died from childhood viruses we now have vaccines for and many people died from massive infections from broken bones and other accidents that we don't usually die from now be cause we have better medicines and antibiotics. Men who survived those things lived long lives.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    As far as I can tell, the diet is supposed to mimic what we ate before the agriculture industry.Milk and eggs weren't consumed, neither was grain. I am not sure about the percentages.

    Wasn't life expectancy back then in the 40's too?

    I get nauseous with the number of commercial, "lose weight quick schemes" that are out there. Everything in moderation (remember the 4 basic food groups from elementary school), exercise, and patience are the key ingredients to a healthy lifestyle.

    I know for me, eating low carb is not about a quick fix. I am sure my paleo friends didn't change their lifestyles because they wanted to be skinny. I am eating low carb on moral and health grounds. My doctor put me on a low carb diet to correct my blood panels (which it did). I was sick and tired both physically and mentally of my old way of eating.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member

    I know for me, eating low carb is not about a quick fix. I am sure my paleo friends didn't change their lifestyles because they wanted to be skinny. I am eating low carb on moral and health grounds. My doctor put me on a low carb diet to correct my blood panels (which it did). I was sick and tired both physically and mentally of my old way of eating.

    curious as to the moral grounds. I have only heard vegetarians invoke this. Please explain

    in terms of what you were responding to, if you want to lose weight fast, atkins is better...
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Actually the argument has ALWAYS been grains with gluten are not optimal food sources

    No, not in the context of this thread as it started and others I have seen. It has evolved to that as I said. Really, if the parameters of the discussions were framed in that way "grains with gluten are not optimal food sources" there wouldn't be much argument. Most people accept that refined grains, specifically wheat based etc aren't optimal. Does that mean unless you have a gluten intolerance they have to to be eliminated or are indeed harmful as opposed to optimal? No. The same with insulin spiking foods. In the absence of insulin resistance it isn't a big deal, especially compared to ASP.
    Really you should stop with the straw man arguments, you setting up a false premise just so you can shoot it down does nothing to further your argument.

    What you talking about Willis? That's a fallacious argument if ever I have seen one. Tell you what. If you agree not to indulge inequivocation, confusing correlation and causation, argument by selective obseravtion and generalisation, hypothesis contrary to fact, non sequiters and appeal to complexity I will ask my Monsanto Government Paymasters if I can pretty please stop setting up strawman arguments. For real.
    And as for the Japanese, yes they eat a lot of rice, but they eat very little gluten

    They also eat a lot of noodles, fu and miso soup. Wanna guess what they contain?
    Ask a sumo wrestler how healthy rice is.

    Why? What does that have to do with anything? They bulk mainly using Chanko-nabe and rice. Maybe I should ask them how healthy eating large quantities of protein, particularly fish and vegetables is?

    As I said, if a Paelo /Primal lifestyle works for someone then more power to them. I find the scaremongering over grains a little silly but again it's my opinion. Now, where did I leave my beer...
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    The way nature intended it? I don't know you, but I can't think about a single natural food source with that high of a fat content. Sounds like crap to me.

    HAHA! Are you serious? Not a single one? Ever heard of nuts or seeds or avocados!?!?! What about olive oil or high fat meat like pork? I'm sorry I had to comment on this no matter what the argument is. To say you can't think of "a single natural food source with that high of a fat content" is ridiculous.

    If you have a few handfuls of nuts you'd be over your daily fat intake right there.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    No, not in the context of this thread as it started and others I have seen.

    Yes it is, if the haters here would only educate themselves, this is really the argument, when you, and others start making assumptions about what the paleo diet is about, that is when the argument "evolves".

    What you talking about Willis?

    Well, Bro, the strawman I was talking about is your framing the argument as going from “all grains” being bad to rice not so bad. Again that is a made up argument by YOU, the only thing “bad” about rice is the poor nutrient to calories ratio.
    They also eat a lot of noodles, fu and miso soup. Wanna guess what they contain?

    Rice and fermented soy,,,,,,,,,,,,,, do I win a prize?
    Why? What does that have to do with anything?

    Really? By your post I know you’re smarter than that, so don’t play dumb. You were touting how healthy the Japanese are, and how they eat tons of rice, drink sake and yet they live longer than we do. So, Sumo wrestlers also eat tons of rice and drink sake, how “healthy” are they and how long do they live? The obvious implication is MAYBE it’s something else in their diet or life style that is responsible for their health,,,,,, you think?
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member

    Wasn't life expectancy back then in the 40's too?

    If you're going to ask a question you need to know the answer, tell the class why their life expectancy was this short?
    I get nauseous with the number of commercial, "lose weight quick schemes" that are out there. Everything in moderation (remember the 4 basic food groups from elementary school), exercise, and patience are the key ingredients to a healthy lifestyle.

    How is that 4 basic food groups workig for the average American? I know McD's isn't on the list.

    I get nauseous with people thinking this is a lose weight quick scheme, and the everything in moderation groupies. To take that to the extreme cocain in moderation is ok? Thinkies in moderation is ok? It my be for weight loss, but what many people that like to jump on the anti paleo band wagon without the slightest clue about what it is, do not realize. This life style, is about health not just weight. If you want to open your eyes and read the research and the theory behind it, there is plenty of resources out there.
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    Eskimos eat about 80% FAT daily and they are some of the healthiest people on this earth. They don't have the heart disease, Diabetes or other ailments that burden us Americans...............

    They also have the largest brains.

    Sources, please! I've NEVER heard that "eskimos" are the healthiest population with the biggest brains. In fact, calling someone an eskimo has NOTHING to do with regionality.

    There was a study done by Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center along with Center for Alaska Native Health that found their diets high in Omega 3 fats helped reduce the level of Type 2 Diabetes, however their obesity rate was not lowered.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Eskimos eat about 80% FAT daily and they are some of the healthiest people on this earth. They don't have the heart disease, Diabetes or other ailments that burden us Americans...............

    They also have the largest brains.

    Sources, please! I've NEVER heard that "eskimos" are the healthiest population with the biggest brains. In fact, calling someone an eskimo has NOTHING to do with regionality.

    There was a study done by Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center along with Center for Alaska Native Health that found their diets high in Omega 3 fats helped reduce the level of Type 2 Diabetes, however their obesity rate was not lowered.

    Sadly they no longer follow their traditional diets, yes still high in O3's but not the true trraditional diet/lifestyle they used to follow.
  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    get nauseous with people thinking this is a lose weight quick scheme, and the everything in moderation groupies. To take that to the extreme cocain in moderation is ok? Thinkies in moderation is ok? It my be for weight loss, but what many people that like to jump on the anti paleo band wagon without the slightest clue about what it is, do not realize. This life style, is about health not just weight. If you want to open your eyes and read the research and the theory behind it, there is plenty of resources out there.

    Cocaine in moderation? It's derived from the coca plant whose leaves were used traditional medicine by the Incas - the locals still chew the leaves for a little "kick". They're probably fine.

    Twinkies in moderation? Sure. There's a picture of me in my underwear in my "photos" - I eat sugary snacks and drinks now and then. I had a soda and sugar cookies yesterday (GASP!) I've had no problem losing or maintaining while eating occasional "twinkies" in moderation. No insulin resistance, fatty liver, metabolic syndrome, etc.

    The twinkie diet guy lost 27 pounds eating twinkies: http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html (That's a horrible diet but, it's just an example of how we need to think critically about this stuff.)

    Paleo might work for you but it isn't for everyone. People respond to different ways of eating. What's wrong with that?
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member

    Twinkies in moderation? Sure. There's a picture of me in my underwear in my "photos" - I eat sugary snacks and drinks now and then. I had a soda and sugar cookies yesterday (GASP!) I've had no problem losing or maintaining while eating occasional "twinkies" in moderation. No insulin resistance, fatty liver, metabolic syndrome, etc.

    Really? Go back and READ my post.
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    Someone mentioned that the "Paleo diet" consists of 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbs. According to this person, this is healthy and the way nature intended us to eat. They couldn't give me any actual sources though. I'm a university student in the midst of exam season, and I don't have time to read countless opinionated books - can someone please give me the lowdown on this method, and your thoughts? How can 70% fat be healthy?! And how do you manage to eat 5% carbs? Wouldn't 25% protein be extremely lacking, especially for someone building muscle? This seems to go against everything the nutrition/medical community advises.

    I'd appreciate links/sources as well. (and not in the form of, "oh, go read this book!" - I will, but not at the moment). Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    hi I follow the Paleolithic Diet and it is awesome..my cholesterol went from 228 to 177 in 4 months...my Blood pressure went from 140's/90's to 125's / 70's it's not perfect yet but it's geting there. I follow the diet to the " T " and i am losing about 1lb a week in doing so. I consume Chicken with skin, Beef, Pork Chops, and yes even BACON for breakfast every AM. The thing is....FAT does not make you FAT. High Glycemic Carbs like Grains, processed foods and even some root veggies, make people fat and cause lots of Auto Immune disorders like Diabetes Type 2 and allergies. My 72 yr old aunt has Diabetes Type2 and I started her on this diet and she doesn't have to inject insulin as often anymore because of it.
    When we eat those types of carbs, they get broken down into glucose too fast which causes an over abundance of sugar in our blood. This causes our pancrease to go into overdrive to produce enough insulin to get this excess of sugar out of our blood in 3 ways: it acts as the gate keeper of our cells by allowing a certain amount of the sugar to enter the cells to be utilized for energy (the cells can only use but soo much at a time) #2 the insulin then stores about 70grams or so of the excess sugar in our Liver and Muscle tissue as Glycogen (for fight or flight response) and #3 the remaining excess sugar gets stored as BODY FAT. Thats the job of insulin. Only CARBS and SUGAR make this chain reaction happen. Constantly eating those foods cause our pancreas to burn out and when that happens we can't produce enough insulin therefore leading to high blood sugar Diabetes.
    I consume no more than 60grams of Total carbs a day from veggies, nuts, seeds, avocados, fruits (low in sugar like grapefruit).
    I consume no more than 30grams of TOTAL sugar per day as well. My protein intake is about .5 - .7 grams per LEAN BODY MASS so thats bout 70 - 85 grams a day. If I were an athlete I would consume 1 pound per LBM which would be about 104-110 grams a day.

    If u want more info copy and paste the link: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/how-to-succeed-with-the-primal-blueprint/
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    I'm not disputing anyone's results eating a Paleo diet, but for me personally, eating fat DID make me fat. I lost my weight (and have kept it off) eating 50% carbs (predominantly whole grains), 25% protein, and 25% fat. My blood work indicates everything is in normal ranges now (and it wasn't before I lost my weight — my glucose was too high and my HDL was too low), and my blood pressure is lower than average (85/55).
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm not disputing anyone's results eating a Paleo diet, but for me personally, eating fat DID make me fat. I lost my weight (and have kept it off) eating 50% carbs (predominantly whole grains), 25% protein, and 25% fat. My blood work indicates everything is in normal ranges now (and it wasn't before I lost my weight — my glucose was too high and my HDL was too low), and my blood pressure is lower than average (85/55).

    Hi PJ I applaud you and your input. I don't look at this as a fad diet...This is a lifestyle. I'm more healthier now then i've ever been. I don't crave junk food anymore. I don't break out with pimples and my digestion has improved as well. The media may call this a fad diet..but u have to remember this is how our first ancestors lived. They were in better shape then we are today. Yes people may argue they'd died at an early age...but...they died in the mouths of predators or from trauma and/or infection from it. They did not have modern medicine as we do today. They've hunted and gathered there own food and stayed physical all the time.
    Agriculture has made people lazy and sick in my opinion and it's a fact as well.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    And I'm glad you've found something that makes you feel healthier too. I'd never call it a fad, and I think it's fabulous that it works for you. I'm just saying there's nothing to make me believe what I'm doing isn't fabulous for me as well. I feel better, I look better, and my health is better than it's ever been.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    I mean, just look at those bright eyes in my profile pic. How can you argue with that? :bigsmile: