I completely overdid things...

...yesterday. :embarassed: You see, it was my birthday. A couple friends took my boyfriend and I to IHOP to celebrate. And then somehow we ended up at DeBrand's... a chocolate shop. Yikes. I went way over my calories for the day. Probably reversed all the hard work and effort I put in towards the beginning of the week. I was too chicken to get on the scales this morning to see what kind of damage I did. :ohwell:

But you know what? I'm back on track today, and isn't that what counts?? I mean, what is life without a little splurge here and there, as long as it is only a small splurge?

Well, just thought I'd share. I hope you're all having a great weekend. :drinker:


  • suspendedindusk03
    ...yesterday. :embarassed: You see, it was my birthday. A couple friends took my boyfriend and I to IHOP to celebrate. And then somehow we ended up at DeBrand's... a chocolate shop. Yikes. I went way over my calories for the day. Probably reversed all the hard work and effort I put in towards the beginning of the week. I was too chicken to get on the scales this morning to see what kind of damage I did. :ohwell:

    But you know what? I'm back on track today, and isn't that what counts?? I mean, what is life without a little splurge here and there, as long as it is only a small splurge?

    Well, just thought I'd share. I hope you're all having a great weekend. :drinker:
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Happy Birthday!! You did what you did, and you enjoyed it. We all do it, and that is ok. The main thing is you got back on track.
  • suspendedindusk03
    Happy Birthday!! You did what you did, and you enjoyed it. We all do it, and that is ok. The main thing is you got back on track.

    Thank you! I enjoyed it immensely... especially after the kind of week I've had. And yup, I'm back on track today and for the foreseeable future.
  • rtamayo
    rtamayo Posts: 85 Member
    i dont think you can gain wait from one bad day. It would take a few of them to do it. you have to eat 3500 more calories than you can burn to put on one pound.
    so unless you ate like 12000 calories, dont sweat it! Happy birthday!:drinker:
  • Paeonia
    Paeonia Posts: 161
    Just remember: its the general trend that matters, not one isolated incidence. Don't feel bad about splurging on your birthday, so long as you get back on track the next day and don't let the splurges become the norm :)

    And I wouldn't have weighed myself the next day either ^_^
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,058 Member
    Happy Birthday!

    We are all members of the "oops" club. I personally have a lifetime membership to the "Oops, I did it again" club.

    More good choices than poor choices.

    "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."
    "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."
    "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."
    "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."
    "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." :tongue:

  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."
    I love that one and it is so very true…..I have to say that to myself a good bit sometimes.
    Another one I like is “Don’t exchange what you want the most for what you want at the moment”.
    I have lost 171 pounds and kept it off now for 3 years. I had birthdays, Thanksgivings, Christmas, cookouts and vacations. I didn’t sit there and just watch every body eat my cake and not have some too. But….I did get right back with my plan the next day and I lost the weight.
    Don’t beat yourself up over one day but do get back on the wagon and get back to your eating plan with out fail and you will lose the weight too.
    I was in WW with a doctor. He told us to eat on the special occasions with our families and friends and enjoy our time with them. But do be careful and not eat like that everyday or we will not lose and we will gain.

    Just a little note here about our favorite foods. It isn’t that we can never have our favorite food ever again as long as we live we just need to eat them in moderation and not everyday. Save them for special days like Birthdays, Anniversaries, Christmas and Thanksgiving.

    I do understand the guilty feelings after eating things I know are not on my diet but I also have to think OK…..that was good…..now back to what I know I have to do to lose the weight.

    The “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." and the “Don’t exchange what you want the most for what you want at the moment”. I have to use and say to myself when I want to eat like everyday is one of my “special days” and boy would I love to make everyday one of my special days lol

    Like I said don’t beat yourself up over it just get back with your plan.

    Oh and by the way Happy Birthday!! :flowerforyou:
  • filergirl
    Don't worry about it. I had dinner with my boyfriend's family, accompanied by three glasses of red wine, then came home and ate nachos (!) and salsa. I blame that on the wine.

    I was scared to tally it all up, but I forced myself to: looks like I went over by 500 - 550 calories. But if you look at it in the grand scheme of things, any slip-ups we make are pretty minor, compared to eating with abandon every single day!
  • lovelygirls
    I've been naughty AGAIN today! Just couldn't stop myself from picking, but although obviously my tally was over, it wasn't as bad as I thought and I'm not going to beat myself about it and you certainly shouldn't, its not your birthday everyday afterall! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  • suspendedindusk03
    Thanks everyone, for the birthday wishes and encouragement! :happy: