30 Day Shred pain

wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
So I'm on level 3 of the 30 Day Shred, been doing it for a few days now. But I find the very last strength move to be quite painful! Not like "ooh, I can feel the burn!" type painful, but it just plain hurts type painful. It's the plank move balancing on your weights. I can do the move just fine, that's not the issue. But holding my weight on top of the weights hurts my hands really bad! I even have the weights with the little bit of cushion on them, not the bare metal ones. Any ideas or tips you other "Shredders" have found that would help that out? It doesn't hurt as much if I do the modified version on my knees, but I don't want to have to modify it just because of my hands! I pushed thru the pain today tho... maybe I just need to build up some callouses?
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