Baby mama drama part 2

vnmw121212 Posts: 102 Member
I am so tired of this woman. Is her life that boring that she has to **** with us? She claims little buddy told her that daddy doesnt like mommy, I highly doubt that. We never speak ill of her around him and rarely even bring her up when he's with us, unless we're saying "are you ready to go to mommys house?". It's so god damn annoying that everyone is so concerned about what they say so as not to offend or upset her. I call bs. We're all adults, lets act like it. If you have a problem with me, tell me call me, text me, hell facebook me! Instead of everytime you don't like something taking it out on Nate because he's the only one you CAN **** with. Oh and stop stalking me, since apparently you've been on here or creeping on my live journal, which I have since deleted and I'm cleaning up my friend on here as well. Get a life and leave us alone. SERIOUSLY!


  • armywife121110
    ok seriously..... are we the same person or what??? I read all of your blogs and I sit there wondering if you are talking about you or me. My "husbands" babys mams hates the fact we got married and even ignores the fact we are. she tells people that dont knoe me that they are together n he is just "away" every court hearing all she does is ***** about me and doesn't even bring up het kid. I'm so tired of all the drama and bs. I block my facebook and she says its because I dont have any friends and dont want people to see that, um no its blocked so YOU can't see it and steal all my pictures!! uggggg sorry about that I needed to vent!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    People who use children as pawns are pathetic. Shame on her!!!

    Keep holding your head high. :flowerforyou:
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    Ohhh I feel ya on this subject. I don't even know where to begin on my boyfriend's ex. It's gotten better (slowly) in the last 6 or so months, but I still hate dealing with her, and I really wish she would step up and be a better mother. Sure, she takes the girls to do MANY activities (and then tries to be a maurder saying woe-is-me I have no time) but does she verify that they shower? No. Does she brush their hair? No. Does she trim their nails? No. Does she make sure their clothes aren't stained (is it really that hard to use stain stick??!)? No.

    And then tries to yell at me for not having junk food in the house for the kids. ARGGG.