Looking for tips to tighten my lower stomach

I have lost 20 lbs since January. I do Zumba, Curves and walk when weather permits, which has not only helped with the weight loss but toning. I see muscle I never knew I had. However, that below the belly button part of my stomach is being very stubborn. Any advice? I was thinking of buying one of those velcro wraps that go around your stomach (I am not sure what they are called). I've heard they help. Does any one else use one? Any tips you have will be appreciated. Thanks!!


  • hot_yoga_lover
    A good move for the lower abs is to lay flat on your back, with your arms straight out to the side, then raise your legs into the air with your toes flexed towards your head, so the bottom of your feet are pointed towards the celing. Then lower your legs as far as you can before your back begins to arch; raise back up, lower again, etc. Kep your legs pressed together and move both at the same time. Do these moves slowly and try to do ten in a row. As you get easier, you will be able to lower your legs down farther. Good luck!
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    if you think you can handle it do the 30 day shred.
    I am omly on day 15 and the for the first time I can remember my jean size went DOWN and for the first time EVER my belly does not hang out5 over my pants. I can't believe how tight my stomach has gotten from this video!
  • LeeBeeW
    LeeBeeW Posts: 100
    Try doing planks, get into a pushup position (up on your toes) and instead of pushing up rest on your forearms and hold it for as long as you can, engaging your core.

    I hope that makes sense.
    MOM2SWEETNESSx3 Posts: 6 Member
    There are lots of core exercises you can do that will help. I'd add 15-20 min ab routine 2-3 days a week to what your already doing. Hanging leg raises, side turns, and leg scissors are three good exercises for the lower abs. I've used the belt thingy you are talking about, it does make you sweat but not really a permanent answer. Good luck!