Baby+7months later= 1 Fat Momma

momma2jaiden Posts: 50
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all i am New to the board and on a mission to lose 80 poundsi dont have a set date just kind of as soon as peguinely possible lol i am a 20yr old mother of one gorgeous little boy who is 7 months old and the main reason aside from others that i need to lose the weight i want to be able to keep up with him when he starts running looking and feeling good would be a huge bonus lol as i feel like im trapped in this fat suit i also suffer from insomia so i find it very difficult to wake up early since in most nights i cant fall asleep until 4am which i think is one of the many reasons why the weight has crept up on me i have started counting calories and stopped eating at night the latest i eat dinner is around 8 or 9 when hubby gets home which is not too good but better than when i used to eat at 12midnight i have started some mild cardio but find myself almost fainting after 15 minutes so i am working on that umm really dont know what else any questions let me know i lvoe making new friends:smile:
thank for reading my long story lol :laugh: :happy:


  • Hello all i am New to the board and on a mission to lose 80 poundsi dont have a set date just kind of as soon as peguinely possible lol i am a 20yr old mother of one gorgeous little boy who is 7 months old and the main reason aside from others that i need to lose the weight i want to be able to keep up with him when he starts running looking and feeling good would be a huge bonus lol as i feel like im trapped in this fat suit i also suffer from insomia so i find it very difficult to wake up early since in most nights i cant fall asleep until 4am which i think is one of the many reasons why the weight has crept up on me i have started counting calories and stopped eating at night the latest i eat dinner is around 8 or 9 when hubby gets home which is not too good but better than when i used to eat at 12midnight i have started some mild cardio but find myself almost fainting after 15 minutes so i am working on that umm really dont know what else any questions let me know i lvoe making new friends:smile:
    thank for reading my long story lol :laugh: :happy:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Fainting after cardio? Like working out to the point you can't breath, or strange fainting? I'd check with your doctor on that one.... but if it's just you've been overdoing it, start small. Weight loss oriented cardio starts very small.... someone else could probably provide the calcs for where your heart rate should be, but I think mine was always supposed to be around 138, which is pretty easy to attain. If you talk to your doc and everything is okay, keep up the working out. It will help you sleep at night. Just like a kid runs around all day, wearing themselves out, and crashes at night-- so can you!

    Good luck and welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • RedCurls
    RedCurls Posts: 56
    GIrl, I am in the same boat! I want to lose 70 lbs. The first time I worked out I did 5 min of cardio and almost fainted... I have worked myself up to 35 mins and yesterday I did an hour or circuit training with a trainer at my gym. It felt so good! Good luck and stick with it. The results are SO worth it!
  • BreaNix
    BreaNix Posts: 205 Member
    Check with the Dr. first.....fainting isn't good.
    Welcome to the site. :flowerforyou:
  • monica5237
    monica5237 Posts: 450
    I am happy for you, that you have decided to change your life. I have 44 more pounds to go but I started out needing to lose 100 and so far I have done 56 pounds gone.:drinker: for me!!! But I was not able to do much cardio either but, all you have to do is work your way there. Don't push too hard and you will work you way there. If 15 minutes makes you feel bad. Cut it down to 10 minutes if that still makes you feel bad go down to 5 and then work your way up by adding 30 seconds a day or whatever you are comfortable with.

    Good Luck to you and I know you can do it!!!!!!

  • Dmprbst
    Dmprbst Posts: 45 Member
    Fainting after cardio? Like working out to the point you can't breath, or strange fainting? I'd check with your doctor on that one.... but if it's just you've been overdoing it, start small. Weight loss oriented cardio starts very small.... someone else could probably provide the calcs for where your heart rate should be, but I think mine was always supposed to be around 138, which is pretty easy to attain. If you talk to your doc and everything is okay, keep up the working out. It will help you sleep at night. Just like a kid runs around all day, wearing themselves out, and crashes at night-- so can you!

    Good luck and welcome! :flowerforyou:

    I couldn't have said it better myself.

    Trust me when you do get yourself to work out during the day, you'll want nothing better but to be asleep by like 9pm.
    I had the fainting issue too, but figured out it was a little of a lot of things, dehydration, low blood sugar.
    I never did faint, but starting out I pushed myself really hard so i could burn the amount of calories I wanted and I think just over did it. ...Anyway Welcome...hopefully with a new baby and working out your insomnia will's very important to get lots of rest, 8 or so hours of sleep. It is one of the most important (need to do's) to lose the weight. GOOD LUCK!
  • i have taken a day off of the cardio i think i was jsut overdoing it the anxiety of wanting to lose the weight drives me to want to push harder but i cant lol i think i realized it after the work out i would feel faint like cant breath kind of dizzy nothing water and rest could fix i thinks its just he barely any sleep that has a big impact on it though my doc said to start coutning calories and stay between 1200 and 1500 and try to do cardio to start for 30 mins 3 days a week if i cant do that to jsut lower it to where i can tolerate it and maybe up the days i do cardio until i can do an hour atleast 3 days a week so im working on it but blah it can be so frustrating im so proud of my self though because atleast i am counting calories and havnt had a problem since i started so hopefulyl i will keep up the good work i have alos been keeping track of my water intake i try to drink atleast 2 liters a day whic is a little over 8 cups lucky me i love water and for fast food subway is my best friend and i love it lol as far as sleep i have tried going to bed atleast by ten but i find myself waking up about an hour later and cant get back to sleep i did however cut down my night time eating which is good cuz i was used to munching all night long it really helped to now by many sweets i have been cutting them out slowly i am down to only pudding now which is great low calories and taste yummy lol

    congrats to all of you who have lost already cant weight to get get it...corny joke :tongue:
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