senetary versus light activity

I originally put my life style as sedentary, but i do home daycare and am intermittently up and moving around. i go upstairs about 20 times a day, usually carrying 30 pound babies. I do sit a lot, but it's not for long periods of time. So, I switched it to light activitiy, is that the right thing to do?

I have been having a hard time staying under my calories but maybe it's because I didn't allow for enough calories for the activities i do at home.

Any thoughts?

I NEED to see some progress. I am very scared that I'm not going to lose weight. I have some medical issues that keep me gaining instead of losing.



  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Yes! That's the right thing to do!

    My BMR is around 1350 calories, but I've got a toddler and a 4-year old, and stairs. I would pass out midday if I only ate 1350 calories. I used a formula I know to figure out my personal daily requirements based on my body fat percentage and my activity level, and so I need around 2300 calories on non-workout days. Taking care of kids is like endurance exercise!

    Hope this helps!
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    I am in the same line of work you are, and I put myself at lightly active. You are up and down, caring for the kiddos, making them lunch, changing their butts.....yeah, the list goes on!! If you have it set at sedentary, you should be logging all the stuff you do during the day to get credit for it.

    My advice.....I would change it.
  • sheggymarie
    Thank you, I feel better know. I have been starving. I guess its from now eating enough calories. I'm just worried, because my weight loss surgeon said to stay under 1200 to lose weight. I just am unable to do that. Anyone with gastric bypass experience out there?
  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    I am bed ridden with a non weight bearing broken leg.....I am sedentary. :wink: and I enter my little activity into my excerising, walking with crutches, sit-ups, etc.

    you are moving throughout the day, you are not sedentary