Nursing & Stubborn fat!

Anyone else nursing and struggling to lose? Why is this? I know it is suppost to come off slowly but when I stopped nursing my first son i literally lost my last ten lbs in 3 days. Im doing WW as well because it allows extra points for nursing and I dont want to effect my son or milk with my dieting but I losing very slowly. Not to mention really not losing inchs... what the heck?!


  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Lossing after the second one is so much tougher for some reason. I had NO problem loosing while nursing my first-born. But Number 2? Nothing. Don't know if you're doing anything wrong or if there is something going on biologically. My second born is 3 now and I have finally found the motivation to loose the "baby weight." So you're ahead of the game. Best of luck!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    I think im doing it right in the sense that I never go over my WW points or my calories on here and i work out at least 4 days a week. Because i had my boys 8 days apart well 4 years but jan 31st and feb 8th i can kind of compare where i was weight wise with the 1st verses now and i am on the same track within 5lbs. Its just frustrating! I wouldnt mind so much, but I need my jeans to fit! haha
  • tiffjanssen
    I'm nursing as well, I have a 3 1/2 month old. Within 2 weeks of having her I was back at my pre-pregnancy weight (I'd only gained 21 pounds) but I haven't really budged since. I'm flabby in places I was never flabby in before. That is what bugs me most. I seem to have lost a good deal of muscle tone, even if I am back at the old weight.

    I have been diligently going to the gym, and I can feel myself getting fitter, but the scale doesn't move. Now, to be honest, I hadn't been watching what I ate. I'd been eating pretty much however much I wanted, but taking care to eat healthy foods.

    My husband wanted to start getting into shape so he joined this program. Since he got into this program I figured it couldn't hurt, so I'm trying it. I made an exercise called "nursing" and gave it 500 calories for the day, since they don't have an allowance for nursing. We are exclusively breastfeeding right now and some doctors say you burn 600 a day, others 500, so I thought I'd go with 500.

    I'm on day 5 on here, I don't think I've lost anything, but I don't expect to show a loss for another week. I'll gladly keep you updated and encouraged; I'd love to have someone else checking in on me!

    Good luck to us both!
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    There's not enough info in your post to hazard a guess as to the explanation (how fast are you losing? what sort of exercise? etc.), but my advice is to work on patience and perhaps even meditation! Try not to obsess about the weight; enjoy every second of this, because in about 2 minutes he'll be grown and out the door! Eventually you'll reach either your goal, or a reasonable semblance of this. Meanwhile, you can enjoy watching each ounce of your ugly fat turn into beautiful baby.
  • Cello2007
    Cello2007 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm nursing too and had very stubborn fat! My guy is almost 6 months old and I really hadn't had much success. Since I joined MFP and have been diligent about logging my calories, I've started to notice some loss! I was down to 207 (from 230 right before delivery) but somehow my weight climbed up to 217 about 10 days ago.

    But ever since I started here, I've tried working out a lot! I do Zumba 2 hours a day and also a 2 mile walk with my guy in a pack if we have time. I workout for 3 days, take a rest day, than another three, etc., but skip working out on Sunday. So with all that exercise and calorie counting I've noticed a significant dip in my weight.

    Maybe we just have to work extra hard to get the weight off? My doctor said I was just one of the unlucky ones who nursing didn't really help lose weight. Perhaps you are in the same boat? Just hang in there! It will eventually go away through hard work. It just might not happen until your baby is weaned.
  • skinnykam13
    skinnykam13 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same daughter is 5 months old and the last 20 pounds are just sticking to me. I follow myfitnesspal and am always under my calorie goals and exercise very regularly. My milk supply has been maintaining so far, but I really want these 20 pounds to be gone before vacation in 2 months. My scale just keeps staying the same!!! frustrating! Any suggestions?
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Yeah i just dont get it. I think having had a csection both times set me back a bit too. When walking hurts the first 2 weeks your not very mobile. Then any kind of sit up push up ect is conpletely a no till after 6 weeks... even then and still my son almost 10 weeks now I still have pain. Its frustrating... but wednesday Im starting the 30 day shred... maybe ill get brave and post before and after pics if it works well for me. I plan to do the excercises i have been doing and just add 30ds daily everyday for 30 days...