Adjusting requirement for specific nutrients...?

I know that you can modify your calories and based on that the system changes your total amounts of protein, fat & such. Is there a way I can manually change that on my diary? Or should I just make a mental note of what I'd like my totals to be?

I'm looking to do a bit more weight training and will be upping my protein.



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Go to home page and then goals. You can custom change your goals. I am not sure if that is what you mean.
  • T0M0
    T0M0 Posts: 250 Member
    If you click on goals / Change Goals (green button at the bottom) then click custom / continue you can then alter the % of your Daily Nutritional Goal targets.

    I hope this is the info you are after.

  • katrina1025
    katrina1025 Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for!!