
CallMeKelly Posts: 7
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
HELP! I'm a 140 pound woman trapped in a 245 pound body! :noway:

I started this weight loss journey a thousand times over the past 20 years. I'll start a diet, have success and drop up to 40 pounds and then I:smile: ALWAYS gain it back . . . and then some! It eventually led me to weighing 267 pounds. That's as much as an NFL linebacker!! And I'm only 5'4!!!

I've always thought I was "big boned" but I actually had a doctor tell me I was medium-boned if not small boned. So that threw that excuse for carrying extra weight out the window! I've always been able to carry around a little extra weight and not look terrible. . . ONE sixty-seven I might be able to pull off. . . but TWO sixty-seven - there's not a single 5'4" woman that can pull that off!

I've done all the diets and I KNOW diets don't work for long! I've got to make a lifestyle change and that is exactly what I started about 6 weeks ago. The weight is coming off slowly but surely and I think this time will be a new way of life for me. I've been keeping calories around 1400 a day. I've recently started walking between 30-60 minutes a day.

I am inspired by shows such as Biggest Loser and Heavy. I also love to read others' success stories. I'm hoping by joining this online community I can get support (and give support) to others.



  • akishag
    akishag Posts: 1
    Hey Kelly,

    Be Encouraged:-)

    I would challenge you to also wacth "Addicted to Food" on the OWN network....Heavy, Too Fat for 15, and Addicted to Food have indicted me to change my thinking about my relationship with food....I too have yo - yo'd my weight! In January I made up my mind, I was tired. I had to admit that this is not a sprint, it's a marathon....We have to stop loooking for quick and simple solutions.....They don't work! We must become vested in our decision to LIVE! In the meantime, take baby steps, plan your meals, measure your portions, treat each meal and snack as one step closer to a better You! Secondly, move! Make exercise a priority, not a option... Take a walk, take the steps, ride your bike, jump rope, join a gym if you can.....
    You are much closer than you think, to becoming a BETTER YOU!
  • Carmendu
    Carmendu Posts: 409
    Welcome!!! Great to have you here. Feel free to friend me if you like. I hope your weight loss journey is very successful.
  • Thanks for the posts.
    Addicted to Food is another show on my DVR list. I like it because it goes more into the root of the people's problem than some of the other shows. I never realized a person could have withdrawals from the bad food like that one girl did!

    I also watched the 600 Pound Mom the other day. That motivated me immediately! As soon as I finished watching it - I went out and walked for an hour! I struggle with my weight and that show actually made me thankful that my struggle is to lose "only" 100 more pounds. That show made it seem like it's not that much to go!

    Using MFP has made losing weight feel like a game to me. Yesterday we went to a family crawfish boil - I don't eat crawfish - I had two hot dogs instead. That put me about 100 calories over my daily allowance. . . but I made sure I ran around and played ball with my nieces for about an hour. Got a little exercise without it feeling like working out - and it let me not be 'in the red' with my calorie count for the day. I WIN! :) And I like to win! :)

    For the past few weeks I've relied a lot on prepackaged meals such as Lean Cuisine. I love the ease of those - but I plan to use part of my summer break to finding easy to make, low-cal, healthy recipies. I've purchased the newest Hungry Girl recipe book and see lots of items in there I want to try.

    You are correct... this is definitely a marathon! Thanks for the encouragement!!
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