New here... any other frustrated middle-aged women?

divamom0122 Posts: 11
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself


I started MFP as it was the perfect program to write down everything I am eating easily, with all the calories, carbs, etc. added up for me! My problem: I am 55, with joint problems, and trying to lose FIRST GOAL= 40 pounds, SECOND GOAL = an additional 25 pounds. When I keep my carb intake well below 100, I lose (slowly, but I lose!), but my nutritionist bawled me out and insists that I take in at least 150 carbs daily. According to her, a low carb diet is very bad for one's health, kidneys, joints, etc.

So, I am trying to do just that! 1200 calories, 150 carbs = NO WEIGHT LOSS! :grumble:
This has been going on for two weeks. Am I the only one?? I wanted to at least lose a pound!

I do love this site!!


  • ubabe1
    ubabe1 Posts: 144 Member
    What is your exercise program like? Keep tabs on your sodium intake as well.
  • You might want to open your diary so we can see the types of carbs you are eating....adding more protein may help too.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    It is a great site.

    If I may, consider scheduling an appointment with a dietition instead of a nutritionist. It seems you are getting advice that contradicts your experience.

    Good luck!
  • Sometimes I think our bodies need to time to get the hint of what we are trying to do. I would increase your moving (my doctor told me to aim for 10,000 steps for day - hard to do) and add weights in your daily workout so that your muscle mass will help boost your body to burn fat.

    Keep your chin up!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Huh. The only time I ever saw a nutritionist, she chewed me out for not being a low carb diet.

    The scientific evidence is inconclusive. A lot of people, both amateurs and professionals, get on their high horse and insist that there is only one right way. Low carb diets have only been shown to be detrimental 1) at extremely low levels and 2) for those already at risk for certain conditions, like kidney problems. If she told you how horrible it was based on the diet alone (rather than a comprehensive understanding of your medical history) I would get a second opinion. If, on the other hand, she is intimately familiar with your medical history, you should probably listen to her, at least while you get more information (and possibly a second opinion).
  • pvesey
    pvesey Posts: 55 Member
    I agree with all the responses. But I also think that us middle-aged women lose weight very slowly. I exercise daily and stay under my calories and lose only 1 pound or less a week. But it's still going in the right direction so I try to remind myself to be patient. You need to be patient too. :flowerforyou: Add me for a friend if you like.
  • pokeyranch
    pokeyranch Posts: 6 Member
    51 year old her, with osteoarthritis, bone spur on Rt hip joint, and torn Achilles tendon on the left. what I am doing and it is working thus far, is the follow, I let the computer tell me how many calories I should be eating....I also let it tell me the sodium and other things....I am watching sodium due to high blood pressure, I am watching the carbs also, but forget everything you have ever done before is my advise, I am also trying to do anything exercise wise three to 5 times a week, I perfer walking. Remember even playing in a swimming pool is exercise. I am to be eating about 1600 calories according tot he computer but I am actually eating around 1300 daily. I try to always be above 1200 as the computer yells otherwise. I have lost within 45 days 16 pounds. I am also drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water which a glass equals 2cups. I also am measuring everything, making meals from scratch and avoiding eating out, or processed stuff but I do use the healthy choice meals for my work lunch. I am paying for the first time in my life attention to portion sizes, this I feel has made a real difference. Yes, I can have ice cream and baked chips, in moderation, I got a cheep electronic scale at measure food on, also. Just ideas.

    My carbs are mostly fruit (apples, oranges, grapefruit & berries) and whole-grain breads. Not much pasta, white flour, no cookies or cakes!

    I don't really do salt much, and my sodium intake is well below the daily amount.. like 1/4. But my weight can fluctuate like 4 pounds from one day to the next... crazy!! I kind of think it might be inflammation...

    My protein mostly comes from a fruit smoothie in the morning with a whey & hemp protein powder and egg whites. I have cut out ham, seafood and all the other goodies I love! I do eat fish and chicken, usually once a day. And peanut butter occasionally.

    The big change is that I have been gluten-free for a few years now, as it seemed to help with the joint pain and the nutritionist has me eating gluten to prepare actually taking the celiac test in a couple of weeks. That's why I eat the whole-grain breads. Before that my carb count was probably around 50 a day, but I ate more fat.

    Exercise is a great idea. I go walking a couple of times a week. The therapist took me off any weight training... she prefers I stick to water exercises. I am stoked for the change in lifestyle if it will get me able to do stairs, etc. Its has got to help my joints if I lose 40 - 65 pounds!! :wink:
  • pokeyranch
    pokeyranch Posts: 6 Member
    Friend me and you can see what I am eating and so on. I am walking like 2 miles a day, on days I do not work. I even have the support of the hubby who is also try to loose some weight and my 26 year old daughter. Helps to have support and encouragement from others. :-)
  • Its so darned frustrating for us middle -aged chickens - our change in hormone levels means that our bods just don't like to metabolise fat molecules like they used to -which makes the challenge to lose weight even MORE CHALLENGING!! - to help prevent excess strain on joints have you tried aquarobics?? Or even from tim to time doing walks up and down a swimming pool. The support from the water will take the edge off work on your joints -and that has to be a good thing!! :happy:
  • Hi, I am 56 and have slowly started losing weight while trying to follow my doctor and dietitions advice. I try to limit calories to 110 per day and I was told to eat a lot of vegetables, but limit fruit to 1 a day in the beginning. It has been slow and I am struggling a bit now; but I have lost 9 pounds in about 2 months. Friend me if you would like. I also have joint problems.
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