Powerlifting Meet Today !!!

Today was the WNPF (World Natural Powerlifting Federation) Florida State and National meet. On a whim, I decided to enter since the meet was being held just a few miles from my house. I hadn't really trained that much for it, so I just entered the deadlift contest, since I do those as part of my normal routine anyway. (For the record, I used to compete in college in the 132 and 148 pound class. But I haven't competed in 29 years!)

I won!!! Now, before you go filling my inbox with congratulatory messages, I have to admit that I was the only lifter in my weight class, and there were no previous state or national records in my weight class. Soooo....that means all my attempts were records as long as I completed them! My kinda competition!

I competed in the 123-pound class (women), Masters 40-49 age, deadlift only (no squats or benches). My final deadlift, for the Florida state and national record, was 255. Not too shabby for an old broad who hadn't really trained much.

You can do anything you set your mind to. Believe you can do it and it can happen. Challenge yourself in new and fun ways and make your healthy lifestyle pay off. Good luck to all of you!


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Nice! I know a lot of guys that can't dead lift near that much. Your awesome, way to go!