I'm a weekend binge eater... Where does my willpower go?

Help! I'm stuck in a vicious cycle. It's a willpower tug of war!! I work so hard mon - fri then I seem to lose my mind on Sat & Sun! One bad meal choice leads to a day of bad choices because of my all or nothing mind set. I will typically lose 2+ pounds during the week then I gain all of it back by binge eating on the weekends. Then it starts all over on Monday when I swear I'll never binge again then work extra hard to lose the weight that I gained back. I'm not getting very far ahead. I've been on MFP for 3 months now and I've only lost about 19 pounds because of this horrible cycle. I still have so much to lose (27+ lbs) to even make it to my first goal which is only the half way mark to my ideal weight. It used to be so much easier for me to lose weight but I just can't seem to keep it together this time.


  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    :( I'm with you on that one. I do the same thing.
  • SimplyDeLish
    I know what you are talking about. Saturday has always been my eat over the top day - so I set my weekly weigh in day as Sunday morning. So far it has worked very well (down a total of 76 pounds). Maybe set yours to Monday morning? Good Luck - you can do it!
  • AutumnisBSB
    AutumnisBSB Posts: 131 Member
    I do this as well but not necessarily on the weekends. I can go 4 or 5 days and do really well and then just totally blow it one or two days and have to start over. I seem to do better on days I work then on my off days. I wished I had the answer because I need to stop as well.
  • ContinuousEffort
    If you can keep to it during the week, it means you can do it. What is it that is different on the weekend? Are you bored or have more social pressure to go out? I'd figure out what that is, and try to set up your home and weekend life to be more like you week life. This is just what I'd try to do, but I'm having my own overeating issues that mfp friends have helped me.
    Someone suggested to me to try to replace eating with something else like reading, walking, anything to get your mind off overeating.
  • Kaileyxoxo
    Kaileyxoxo Posts: 95 Member
    I'm with you, I lost all my willpower this past winter and am trying to gain it back now. Over the summer I was my ideal weight and then gained some over this winter and am feeling pretty bad about it. What I'm trying to do now is to weigh in again weekly on MONDAY. Hopefully this will get my mind set on the weigh in and will keep my hands off the cabinets/fridge. Im also thinking that I am not going to eat anything after 8-8:30. Night time is especially hard for me if I go on a binge and is when I do the most damage. We can get through this together, when you have that feeling coming on, come on here and we will help you through it. Feel free to friend me =)
  • NicRiv26
    NicRiv26 Posts: 20 Member
    Oh wow I thought I was the only one that did that, I am not alone. Another problem I over eat the junk food acting like I am never going to have this treat again. So what I am going to TRY to do , is just make it a Saturday. Hopefully next weekand will be better. Hope you are having a good weekand.