Anyone else struggling?



  • anorrisdyer
    anorrisdyer Posts: 52 Member
    I hate/love the elliptical! You have to make sure you are starting out small, but going until you can't. really push yourself. Stay on level one until you can do it for the full 30 mins until you bump it up to the next level. I feel weak after like 10 minutes... like I will fall off. I shake, and the sweat! Make sure you are drinking a LOT of water... and if you have to get off, do it. But ask yourself before you do, "Do I REALLY need to get off? or am I just QUITTING?!" Get assertive with yourself. Push your body and tell it what it will do... how far it can go.
    If you just can't do it anymore, get off. walk, stretch.. do something with your arms. Let the sweat cool you and drink water.
    Do some situps.

    When I get off the elliptical I immediately sit down on the stationary bike and do about 4 miles, but at a really moderate pace... it helps settle your tummy after the elliptical. But keeps your lower half going.

    Read a book on those machines. Put it on the little lip, so the book covers the time and calories, if you can... helps you not notice how long you've been on there.

    I find a book and music are best. Music so you can't even hear yourself breathing.. that psychs me out.. and the reading to totally take your mind off the minutes that are left in your workout.
  • ashleymichelle06
    ashleymichelle06 Posts: 47 Member

    Read a book on those machines. Put it on the little lip, so the book covers the time and calories, if you can... helps you not notice how long you've been on there.
    that's a great idea! I was hesitant to bring a book (actually my Kindle) with me, because I was afraid I would not be able to maintain my balance and I'd fall off the elliptical LOL I will try it though.
  • Some random things that have worked for me:
    - I tell myself that whatever calories I have must be delicious. If I am going to have a dessert it has to be worth all the calories it has. Forget processed Twinkies when for the same caloric content you can have a slice of homemade Italian chocolate cake. McDonald's loses out to Chicken Dhansak. This rule keeps you from eating stuff that just isn't worth it because it's there to snack on or because it's been offered to you.
    - Probably obvious, but, I generally don't buy or keep rich or sugary foods in the house. This includes everything with sugar, bread, and processed carbs. This doesn't mean I don't eat those foods though. If my grandma gives me a cookie, OK, I might have it, but no buying cookies or keeping them in the cupboard. You can't eat it if it's not around, and after a while, your brain stops craving the stuff.
    - Don't ever DRINK sugar. Fruit juice, soda, whatever. Absolutely no exceptions.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Of course you can do this!!!! You can do anything!!!!

    If the elliptical is too much for you to start out, try a brisk walk on the treadmill. Go online to find out your max heartrate, and keep it within 55-70% of that number. You'll feel refreshed instead of exhausted.

    If you don't like the treadmill, try an exercise bike, or go for a bike ride. Go for a hike. Swim. Walk the dog, any dog, the neighbors dog! But get moving and keep moving!

    Give yourself a break. Indulge once a week in some yummy fattening food (I soooo love red velvet cupcakes!), but then assess how you feel the next day. Is that feeling worth it? I'm always bloated after the aforementioned red velvet cupcake, and yes, it's worth it! Carrot cake, however, not so much.

    Anyway, treat yourself with love and grace because you deserve it. You deserve to be healthy and your heart wants to be strong and your family and friends want you to walk this earth for many, many, many years.

    You're on the right track by being here. Friend me if you'd like!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    oh totally, this week especially. i try to let myself indulge once per week. just plan in calories. if you're craving McDonald's or something, get a Happy Meal with apple dippers and milk or a small diet soda. that totally fills me up now! you can do it! feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • AmysNewBeginning
    AmysNewBeginning Posts: 244 Member
    your 15 minutes beat my 6 minutes yesterday...i was huffin and puffin yesterday, BUT WE HAVE TO REMEMBER IT'S A START!!!!!!!!

    i just started this site a few days ago and love it. i ate snacks late last night, felt like crap, but came on here this morning, and i feel better now. TODAY IS A NEW DAY!!!!!!!!! add me to your friends, we can help one another! :)
  • anorrisdyer
    anorrisdyer Posts: 52 Member
    I use my Kindle, in fact! It stays perfectly in place if you have a cover for it. Not so sure how it would do without a cover. :D
  • tsmom1128
    tsmom1128 Posts: 151 Member
    Ashley, I know exactly where you are at with this one. I just try to remember why I am doing this in the first place, and if you really can't stay away from the yummy foods like I can't, it just means we have to exercise that much harder. We are here for you. REMEMBER THAT!!!

    <3 Alex
  • I'm struggling to stay motivated. I've been trying to move my butt and eat better for about 8 weeks now. I don't weigh often because I haven't bought a scale :/...

    Went to the dr. and my weight was the same as before I started doing anything. They were supportive though, said that you're burning fat but at the same time building muscle which will affect the numbers.

    I started with 15 min on the elliptical ( I bought myself one for valentine's day). Now I can do 30 easy and am pushing myself by upping the resistance or increasing my time.

    Long story short, my Mom and my husband keep telling me that I'm making progress, that I'm looking different, but I don't see it. So depressing.

    Getting discouraged, decided to give the forums a try.
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