Im NEW and need some motivation

:happy: Well im not new to weight lost at all in fact i lost 20lbs a few time using the low carb method but i find that when i start eating normal i gain double back. My problem is the weight doesnt fall off fast enouigh so i never sick with anything. Well I really like MFP and i been going strong for almost 2 weeks and i can feel the difference in my closes but still scared to step on the scale. I need some help finding low calorie filling foods and things i can eat that i accually like.


  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    We are all here for you whatever you need~ We are all in the same boat~ :bigsmile:
  • kirstinkrueger
    Dont gage everything on the scale either :) i wont lose any weight for two weeks sometimes but my pants will start to fall off!!

    allreecipes .com has a great database of recipes and most of them show the calories per serving
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I get great ideas from viewing my friends' food diaries. Feel free to add me if you'd life to view mine :)
  • Kjandcuttysmom
    Kjandcuttysmom Posts: 146 Member
    welcome and good luck on your journey. I have done low carb before too so I know the feeling. I'm just getting back on track myself.
  • ubabe1
    ubabe1 Posts: 144 Member
    Hi!!! Glad you're here!! I wouldn't weigh yourself for a few weeks. Let your body get adjusted to which ever method you are using to lose the weight and also your exercise routine. It takes time to show real solid progress. Be patient, focus on how you are changing your life overall. Be strong and stay the course!! Add me as a friend! :smile:
  • mumma2boyz
    mumma2boyz Posts: 109 Member
    Low carb diets tend to burn alot of muscle for energy. At rest, muscle burns more calories than fat (more muscle you have, more your body burns when sleeping for example). Sure, you lose the weight, but a good majority of it was, when you go back to eating carbs n normal caloric intake, you're fighting alot of negative factors: slowed metabolism and higher percentage of body fat. Eat a well balanced diet (protein with every meal, healthy carbs like fruits, veggies, and whole wheat breads/pastas, drink water, eat 5-6 times a day). If you are honest with what you put in your mouth, you will get results. Stick to it. Takes about 6 weeks before it becomes a habit. And make small changes...this is not a race. Its a lifestyle change. Be patient with yourself and find your motivation: I foind MFP success stories message boards very encouraging when I have a bad day.
  • l3xii
    l3xii Posts: 160
    Thanks everyone for your support its very very helpful. Today wasnt too good of a day
  • midmomike2
    midmomike2 Posts: 213
    Lots of great ideas on here and plenty of good useful info. just keep plug'n in and check'n back, use the boards and remember.....YOU CAN DO THIS! best of luck to you!