How to begin running

bode64 Posts: 9
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Can anyone give me any pointers on how to begin running? I can't run very far before running out of breath and get sore feet! Any pointers on good running shoes also would be helpful. I would like to run instead of wallk all the time. I hear of everyone else running and doing the 5K, 10K, etc. and would like to challenge myself. (Plus show my husband that I can do it)
Thanks for the help!


  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    Make sure you have really great running shoes as your feet aren't used to running yet..

    Also look up Couch to 5k ( i think is the site)... this is a great beginner runner's program and will help you greatly to get to the point where you can run about a 5k without feeling like death. It starts off with a walk run program but it works very well.

    Good luck!
  • mazomama
    mazomama Posts: 138 Member
    google C25K _ couch to 5k :)
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    I 100% agree with the C25K. its a brilliant App. also, if you are going to get shoes, go to a proper running shop and get yourself fitted properly. the shoes are one of the most important part of the you starting, get that right and you will be laughing.

    if you are starting out, start slow. Running to get fit is a long term thing, so you will reach any goal you set yourself, just pace yourself.
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    +1 for C25K

    I finished it a few months ago and it really works. I went from stuggling to run for 2 minutes to running 5k (30 mins +) easily every other day. As said, invest in a good pair of properly fitted shoes though as its quite hard on the legs.

    If you have an ipod/iphone there`s a few good apps for c25k too. Good luck and please feel free to add me if you want a bit of support :smile:
  • T0M0
    T0M0 Posts: 250 Member
    C25K is the way you need to start. I started running in Jan this year and am now running 7 miles (11.2k) regularly. Back in Jan I couldn't even run 1 mile without dyeing. I cant recommend C25K enough.
  • I do know that Asics are one the best for running, Nike has some models that are really good. If you have a store that is geared more toward running they are great help. I love to run now, I lost 90lbs over the last year and started some light jogging and now run 4 to five days a week and minimum 3 miles each run. I read some info on line to start out really slow, make sure you warm up & stretch, when you start out make sure you can sing happy b-day and you will be @ a pace where you can breath. Once you figure out your pace then you can make sure each intake is over several strides and the exhales the same with some deep breaths as needed. The key is patients, you have to condition your body for longer runs. I also like to map several different runs in the area so it stays fresh. Listen to your body, if it hurts take it easy or stop and don't over do at first.
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    I forgot to say, its a good idea to try and find a group here on MFP that are starting C25K at about the same time as you and join that as the support makes all the difference. Theres usually new groups starting quite regularly.
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    I think Jeff Galloway's advice is really good: And someone said get fitted for the right shoes at a competent running store...That is huge! Spend a little extra money and get that done will be ever so glad you did! I also highly recommend the Run-Walk-Run method for training and running. Good luck and have fun!!!
  • bode64
    bode64 Posts: 9
    Thanks everyone for the pointers:happy: I have checked out the C25K and printing out the schedule.... and now off to go buy some good running shoes!!!!!
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I downloaded the C25K ap on my Iphone and used it this morning... it does the timing for you... an excellent ap for 2.99! I highly recommend it.

    I just did W1,D1 today... so if you are starting today we will be in it together.
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