no weight loss



  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    What are you usually drinking during the day? Some days you don't have any water checked and I don't see what else there was to drink. Maybe I overlooked it. :)
    Just seems like too much sodium/processed and not enough water to me at a general glance. (I'm just comparing what the menue would be like if it was mine though.)
    Glad you are getting your fruit! :)
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    After reading all you go through I can definitely say you've been given a tough hand. I consider myself lucky that at nearly 28 years of age I was able to join the Navy and make it through boot camp and A school without being set back and at age 30 being able to work with guys/girls that are about 5-10 years younger than myself. I hope that with some simple changes you can stay on track. Also, if you have time maybe look up exercises for people with the kind of pain problems you have (if you haven't already).

    P.S. Learn to love water! I used to absolutely hate it, and now it's my drink of choice, it makes your body feel wonderful. Embrace it :)
  • ILuvLifehouse
    ILuvLifehouse Posts: 55 Member
    I struggled with plantar fasciitis for over a year and I applaude you that you to do any exercise b/c I couldn't even put my foot on the floor w/o pain I walked with a limp for a long time. I feel your pain there. Have you tried putting heel cusions in your shoes they helped me a lot? Hang in there and I hope you see results soon.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I was just looking at my sodium to see if I could make a comparison. We both have 2500 as our sodium limit. I wrote down what the sodium amounts I have left for each day.
    I've read that sodium retains water so maybe the sodium is contributing? I hope you find what works for you! It sounds like you are trying hard with having a surgery and keeping track of things here. I wish you all the best. Sorry you have foot trouble. I would just watch eating more and not think about as much excercise if you are in pain. I also read that most of being on a diet is what you put in your mouth more than excercise. Not that excercise isn't important, just when you are injured I don't think it would be great to do a lot of hopping around on it.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I just read your posts and see you have a lot going on in your life right now. One of the previous posters suggested yoga and that might be a good idea. It will help you deal with the stress in your life and also give you a good workout. There are lots of yoga dvds and tapes out there to do at home.

    Also, I noticed you are using quite a few calories for snacks. I've done that before too so I know where you're coming from. If you added more good fats to your regular meals, you might find you are satisfied and less likely to snack. Try adding some olive oil and a small amount of walnuts to a tossed salad.

    You are brave for opening up your diary to share and seeking help with weight loss. Don't give up!
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    Reading (most of) these replies, I am shocked at how so many people on a diet website don't see there are to many processed foods, and mostly STARCHY HIGH CARB PROCESSED FOODS are on her diary. Yes, her sodium is high, but that's all you got from looking at her diary?

    Cookies, crackers, pizza, english muffins, . . . from a store or chain restaurant are never a dieter's friend. Margarine is crap too. Pure crap. SheggyMarie, I wish you the very best of luck, but from looking at a lot of these replies this website is the last place I'd go to for nutrition or diet advice. Stick to a nutritionist or a good personal trainer, or google it. Watch some food documentaries on netflix.

    Also, all this crap marketed in little low calorie packs as "diet" food isn't good food. It's still ****. Low fat foods usually make up for it in sugars and carbs, chemical additives, etc. Not to mention these kinds of carbs make you hungrier later as anything processed made with mostly white flour causes your blood sugar levels to spike then drop .. . often referred to as a "crash". That is why you are still hungry all the time.

    Try to eat more "whole foods". Read about empty calories vs nutritionally dense calories. You can have a burger, but have a home made burger made from grass fed organic beef, not a McDonald's burger, for example, skip the bun or at least eat a whole grain bun if you have to. Trade the processed cookies for something of more nutritional value, fruit like you've been doing. Read the nutritional labels before you pick what brand to buy.

    Stick to :

    organic, no nitrates or grass fed meats/fish poultry
    dairy- (raw dairy if you can find it and it's legal where you are, organic dairy if you can't)
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    I have chronic pain from severe plantar fasciitis. I'm in physical therapy for it because the drs want to do surgery, and I definately am not going to do that. I can't do any other exercise because it puts too much pressure on my feet. In addition to the platar fasciitis, my feet in general cause me a great deal of pain. I've been dealing with the plantar fasciitis since the beginning of Jan. I've had injections, and worn a boot for 2 months. PT seems to be helping some. But, I'm still in a lot of pain. I have an appointment with a pain management specialist next week to see if he can help me. So, any exercise I do will be painful, the bike is the least pain causing, Thank you for asking. And for your comments.

    why don't you try rowing on an ergometer? fantastic workout and it won't impact your feet, but I guarantee you will use all your muscles!.

    Also, I think you're rather high in calories: given the fact that most people underestimate their intake a little on every meal, you might be closer to the 2000 mark. Why not try dropping to 1500/1600 (factoring in underestimating you would end up near 1700 or 1800 and shooting for a carb/protein/fat ratio of 40/30/30? And try to start moving away from pizzas and macdonalds: not much bang for the buck, imo.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Meaning that all of the process foods that she is eating is making the sodium high. Meaning avoiding the processed foods to begin with is what I meant. :) Not just sodium alone. If you look at the diary, all of the processed foods are contributing to the bad eating. I don't believe in just staying under calories by eating a bunch of junk.
    When you eat fruits, vegetables, etc you sodium isn't crazy. The healthier the food the less sodium naturally is going to show. I didn't mean sodium is the only thing wrong, but by looking at the sodium it leads to each item as not a healthy choice. :)
  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    From one GPS patient to another.

    Have you tried going back to the early days of eating right afte surgery? I am not suggesting eating 500 calories a day. But, do you have any of the nutrition info they gave you then? High protien, low processed carbs.

    Now, I know that eating the processed carbs is "easier" than eating protien. But, what goes down easier is not necessarily better.
    I got into this trap when pregnant. I would eat the crackers and bread and chips because it would not get stuck and make me sick or hurt. But now the baby is 8 months old and I am still fighting the last 20 pounds I put on then.

    Put protein first then veggies and last fruit. As hard as it is cut out the easy carbs that are full of flour and sugar. Keep boiled eggs in the fridge. Cook a bag of chicken, then refreeze in individual baggies. Cook beans on the weekend....I love beans and can do al kinds of things with them. Leftover beans make great "refried" beans if you mash them when you re cook them and put with salsa in a low carb tortilla.

    I sent you a friend request. I am no expert by any means but am full of ideas if you need help with the foods you have on hand.

    You can do this!