Here goes nothing! Detox tips anyone?

I was searching for fitness and weight loss tips and came across this site. I have always thought losing weight and obtaining fitness goals was easier done with others so I thought I would give it a shot! I am starting tomorrow and am hoping this site can provide motivation and tips! :) I CAN"T WAIT to get back down to my old self again! My goal is to lose about 45 lbs and I am ready to start this journey! Anyone have any good detox tips to get started?


  • ana70
    ana70 Posts: 93
    Welcome. Juicing is good for detoxing - cucumber, kale, carrot, beets for example. Stay on this site and keep posting and you will learn so much.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Welcome and good luck! my "detox" was quitting drinking soda (even diet), trying to watch my sodium intake, and adding a ton of both cooked and raw vegetables to my diet...
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    There's no need to 'detox'. Most detoxes are simply modified fasts that cost a great deal of money. At best, they'll take off some water weight and lighten your wallet. At worst, they'll actually harm you as they are completely unregulated.
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    I am a firm believer in detox and try to detox at least once a month, though I don't always detox due to the crazy busyness of my life. Today, however, I am detoxing. Feel free to add me as a friend or simply view my food diary and read my latest blog about Detoxing today during this Full Moon.

    When asked by a fellow MFP "how" I detox I responded with the following reply.

    I consume a mixture of dandelion, milk thistle and burdock root tea to detox and restore the health of my kidneys, liver, pancreas and gallbladder. I consume a tea made from dried cleaver leaves to deep cleanse my entire lymphatic system. Because I suffer from too much acid in my stomach and to help cleanse and restore the pH in my intestinal tract I make a detox juice from dark leafy greens, celery, carrots, apple, & cucumber and a detox smoothie filled with fresh pineapple, strawberries, chia seeds, and a green powder made from beet root, wheat grass, barley grass, spirulina, and a bunch of other good stuff. These smoothies also ensure my blood sugar levels remain stable. Twice through the day I eat one whole cucumber and a celery stalk to help cleanse my digestive tract and help balance blood sugar levels and stomach pH. For dinner I consume a large bowl of homemade vegetable broth (made from spinach, tomato, celery, potato, onion and garlic) to nourish my body with vitamins and minerals and balance blood sugar levels. Late at night, about an hour before bed, I drink tea made from dried chickweed to help clean and empty my bowels the next morning. Throughout the day I drink lots of water. I do a 2 1/2 hour detox yoga at the end of the day followed by a one hour hot bath in a combination of sea, epson & Himilayan salts to help draw any remaining toxins from my muscles and skin.
  • liagarden
    liagarden Posts: 54
    There's no need to 'detox'. Most detoxes are simply modified fasts that cost a great deal of money. At best, they'll take off some water weight and lighten your wallet. At worst, they'll actually harm you as they are completely unregulated.

    I agree. You can "alkalize" with a little lemon-water daily
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    There's no need to 'detox'. Most detoxes are simply modified fasts that cost a great deal of money. At best, they'll take off some water weight and lighten your wallet. At worst, they'll actually harm you as they are completely unregulated.

    I agree with this. "Detoxing" is a buzz word to get people to buy a scam product that does nothing but lighten a wallet. The body does a great job "detoxing" itself. The best detox you can do is to eat healthy, exercise and drink a good deal of water- your body, miracle of nature that it is, will do the rest of the rest.
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    Instead of doing a detox, I'd say start to "flush" your system. Starting increasing your water intake and if you can, don't drink anything else. This will help you feel less bloated, I find, because your don't have all that extra sugar in your system. I've always heard a good water goal is to divide your weight in half and drink that many ounces of water.
  • suzannekk
    suzannekk Posts: 12 Member
    Water in, sweat and urine out. We're designed well.
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I detixed from sugar and carbs. I won't lite it sucks. But the rewards are far greater if you stick to it. I ate lean protein for 2 weeks and can't tell you the energy that happened after. It was definately worth it.