Does anyone else out there have a toddler?



  • BrodiesMom2008
    I have a son who is now 3, I have tried working out with him since he could move and I have to tell you some kids cooperate and some (like mine) do not. He would launch himself on me and body slam me when I did anything on the ground and when I was standing he would ask to be carried or try to drag me to another room!

    The YMCA was my best bet, although that took him some time too as he would cry relentlessly when I first tried to leave him there and would usually only get about 15-20min in before one of the workers would come get me and say they couldn't stop him from crying.

    Just don't give up on yourself! Being fit and healthy is important for your kids and for you! The older they get the more you need to be able to keep up with them, and with a toddler you are always active adn exercising even if it isn't quite how you planned to exercise :)
    WOW all these are great ideas! I'm pretty new to this town so I'll have to poke around! She likes doing the moves with me then gets bored and starts sitting on me while im doing lower body/abdominals. I will find a balance i there somewhere!
  • BBBgettingfit
    BBBgettingfit Posts: 58 Member
    I feel your dilemma! My son is 14 months old and very active! I only fit in time for workouts by getting up super-early three days a week, so I have time to work out, shower, and get ready for work before he wakes up. After work and feeding him and playing before his bedtime at 7:00-ish, I'm just too tired to even think about working out at night.