
One 'detox' diet I have heard of is this:

Do it for 3-14 days {depending on how long you want to do it} You can eat all the meat {no pork} and all the green leafy vegetables you want! You can have 2 eggs and 2 oranges a day and TONS of water!! Nothing else! They say this is supposed to jump start your metabolism. After the detox, they recommend adding in 'healthy' carbs and sugars slowly to 'retrain' your body.



  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    If it includes red meat, then I don't know if that is a true detox. But, if you are eliminating processed food, sugar, alcohol, and starchy carbs then that is somewhat of a detox. It sounds to me like basically a carb-free diet to kick start your body. Once you start adding in carbs again you might gain it all back if you aren't careful.

    Good luck!
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    I shot you an email, hopefully you can read over it and find some helpful ideas!! Let me know what you think! :bigsmile:
  • KRob9
    KRob9 Posts: 7 Member
    That sounds like the start of the South Beach Diet. I've done worked for me and I lost some quick pounds those first two weeks. But sticking to it is the issue, once you start reintroducing the carbs back in. It kind of has to become your lifestyle.