New to the myfitnesspal

Hi to all! I am new to this website and I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. My name is Bobbi I am 24 years old and a full time college student along with a full time payroll manager at a great company. I have been very unhappy with the weight that I am at and it is making me depressed. I have tried everything and I am still at this weight. I am also very concerned because everyone in my family is overweight and have health problems because of it and I do not want to be the next one of them to be sick because I was lazy and never worked out. I love my family but I do not want to be sick all of the time like I see them. I am getting up there in age and I will not go backwards so I need to do something now before it gets any worse. If anyone wants to be friends then please add me and we can help each other through this journey.


  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Welcome! Friend request sent! :)
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    Hello and welcome!!!
  • kiisha_11
    kiisha_11 Posts: 55
    Welcome To MyFitnessPal. You will love it here. You can do it. Take one day at a time. Good Luck