confused by mfp

ok i am allowed 1310 calories a day and when i exercise i have extra calories, do i have to eat them? so confused


  • melissapoulin
    go to the main pag of the forums and read all the posts in bold at the begining of each section, they should help
  • Pawsntails
    Pawsntails Posts: 67 Member
    short answer yes, thats how many cals you n eed for fuel on a normal no exercise day, so when you exercise you need fuel for them as well ^_^
  • BandMom2
    BandMom2 Posts: 64
    Yes , if you do not want to send yourself into starvation mode you need to eat them. MFP says that the number of calories you need to lose wt based on your daily living, if you add exercise you have to add calories.