homemade granola?

can anyone give me the recipe for an easy homemade granola? also, what are the best fruis and nuts to add to it? thanks.


  • lgrsmith
    can anyone give me the recipe for an easy homemade granola? also, what are the best fruis and nuts to add to it? thanks.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I don't know an exact recipe but I love cashews in my granola. Dates and raisins or dried cranberries and blueberries even a little bit of prunes. So yummy. Love homemade granola.
  • sdjurek
    sdjurek Posts: 26 Member
    There's a great granola recipe in John Robbins' May All be Fed cookbook.
    My books are currently i boxes since I just moved but I'd be happy to post the recipe in a week if you're okay waiting that long.
    There are also some great granolas usually sold in the bullk foods section at the local health food store!