
Does anyone know what percentage of ur body weight ur lifting when doin a normal push-up?


  • Shrek55
    Shrek55 Posts: 14
    Roughly 60%
  • arhzon
    arhzon Posts: 150
    Not sure, because some people are more top heavy or bottom heavy. I did just find a good idea, which is just to weigh yourself on your hands in the push-up position on your scale, then that will give you an idea how much you are lifting. Also, the weight you lift increases as you elevate your feet, but that also changes the affected area. Hope my googling can help!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    According to Men's Health, it's about 75%. 60% if you're doing modified or so-called "girlie" pushups. You can increase it by elevating your feet on a bench or exercise ball.

    Just to make everything in the world about me, I can now do 10 REAL push-ups.

    Sorry. I got excited that we were talking about push-ups...

    *edited to steal the answer
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    According to Men's Health, it's about 75%. 60% if you're doing modified or so-called "girlie" pushups. You can increase it by elevating your feet on a bench or exercise ball.
  • Dallas4369
    cool thanks..the scale idea is cool i might try that
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    Hmm... Never really thought about this. Good idea though arhzon about using the scale. I'm 208 lbs and in the pushup position the scale says 151, so it is pretty close to 75%