Opinions on "Diet Aids"

I want to start off by stating that I have done this weight loss completely and 100% the old fashioned way. Watching what I eat and working out.

I see a multitude of people on here that use various forms of diet aids (appetite supressants, HCG, etc...). I find it very interesting and would like to know why you chose your form of weight loss.

A lot of common comments are:
1. that it's impossible for some to lose weight without the help of some sort of aid.
2. they want to lose weight super fast.

Has anyone used a diet aid and kept the reults? I am not critisizing by any means, just purely curious.

Anyone who hasn't used a diet aid: Why did you choose to go without?


  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    I've been at this for about 3 months and have lost 30lbs (thats with every sunday being a free day and slacking on exercise) I've chosen to go without Diet Aids because honestly MOST people DO NOT need them, I don't believe a lot of them (diet aids) do what they say, and if they do I think it could be mind over matter thing. If I give you a pill that says it will suppress your hunger, chances are you will feel less hungry. I chose to try to go at this to get healthy, for me taking a diet aid is introducing another toxin into my body and thats just not what I want.
  • Lipvanmeier26
    I have done both used a diet aid and not used one.. Right now to help with excess water I am using sliquick every other week. It doesn't change my appetite and I only use the drink packets but when I did try a much stronger aid(in pill form) I found that the weight came back almost as soon as I stopped using this just makes me pee alot ( I mean ALOT) LOL...
  • MamaMonkey
    I've broken down and bought diet aids before, usually when I'm very frustrated and want to see results faster. But I've changed my mind on that completely.

    Here's the thing, those diet "aids" do three things:

    - Cost money
    - Pour chemicals into your body
    - Screw your metabolism up so bad that when you stop taking the aid, you're just screwed.

    As much as I know it sucks, exercise, watching what you eat (including counting calories) and making healthier choices is the best way for long term weight loss.

    Look at it this way, if a pill could really do it all, no one would need help or support to lose weight, it would be terribly easy.
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    I used diet aids when I was younger, but I totally agree that now, being older and hopefully wiser, I do not think they are necessary. I know quite a few people that chose to go the "quick fix" way and they are no better off today than when they started. I think the greatest diet aid anyone can have is determination to succeed and the support of family and friends. I have chosen to do this on my own and hope to be able to maintain once I achieve my goal--guess we shall see :smile:
  • bigmamma3
    bigmamma3 Posts: 134
    when I went to my 6 week check after my baby I asked my dr for advice on loosing weight as I had gestational diabetes and was told I would be more likely to develope diabetes if I didn't change my ways. All he did was tell me to eat less and give me oristat (xenical) he said it should kick start my weight loss I didn't want it but he offred no advice. after taking it for over a month I had lost nothing so I stopped and carriedon being healthy and have now lost loads since feb so Ithink they arnt worth bothering with and there is no substitute for good old hard work and patience.
  • theresaaugello
    Thank you for replying. It's nice to see that others feel the same way I do. I have yet to see someone use a diet aid and stay at that weight (even with bariatric surgery there is no guaranteed results) without a lifestyle change. I find it so rewarding to know that I have taken the time to understand how my body reacts towards certain foods and I'm to the point where I can eyeball a serving of something.

    In the end, it comes down to a lifestyle change. If anyone uses an aid, I am not putting it down. Anything that is helpful to you is what you should care about!

    Congratulations to everyone on their healthy lifestyles! Good luck in the future! :)
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    I've been taking Alli, because it helped me lose weight before, but I'm going to stop when I run out of pills because I don't think I need the help anymore. It feels better to do it on your own. Alli was a safety net and I feel like I'm focused enough to lose weight myself. Also it's pretty pricey.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I don't use any kind of diet aid, and I had 3 main reasons for choosing not to:

    1. We have no idea what the long-term medical effects of these pills will be.
    2. I don't believe any of them were designed for significant, long-term weight-loss.
    3. I needed to learn how to do this by myself. I refuse to take a pill for the rest of my life, and if I didn't learn how to lose weight without one, that would have been my fate ... or just being fat forever.
  • theresaaugello
    I don't use any kind of diet aid, and I had 3 main reasons for choosing not to:

    1. We have no idea what the long-term medical effects of these pills will be.
    2. I don't believe any of them were designed for significant, long-term weight-loss.
    3. I needed to learn how to do this by myself. I refuse to take a pill for the rest of my life, and if I didn't learn how to lose weight without one, that would have been my fate ... or just being fat forever.

    This indirectly brings up another good point. A lot of people are deciding to lose weight to rid themselves of other medical issues that are fixed or maintained by medications (diabetes, high blood pressure...) I find it ironic that some choose to use a pill to get off of another pill.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    So I can give two sides to this.

    I have use PRESCRIPTION DOCTOR MONITORED "DIET AIDS" and They are just that an AIDif you dont learn the better habits then YES the weight comes back (As I know from experience)

    I Have used the same dug 3 times, twice with sucess, once without. The ONE AND ONLY time i was unsuccessful it was because I ate crap. The first time I lost 49 lbs in 2 months and it took me 3 years (and a prenancy) to gain back. I AM A STRESS EATER AND I KNOW IT! This time is aided me in loosing 43lbs in 90 days. I used it to help control a large appetite while I was learning portion control, and I refused to go back to my old habits once stopping it. I personally do use OXYElite Pro but this is at my Drs remmendation to wean my body downfrom the prescription drugs.

    I am a FULL advocate ofdoing it yourself if youcan. But if for some reason you cant, or you have a drastically large amount of weight to lose Diet Aids ALONG WITH a nutitionist/Dr Supervision can be a great help
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Sorry for the typos my keyboard divides to two computers and freaks out when I type too fast.

    On the flip side, I put more value in the weight lost without drugs and/or seeing the drugs as an aid NOT a miracle pill