Buenos Suerte

Well... Here goes. I want to lose 40 pounds by Christmas (which should totally be doable as long as I stick to "the plan"). What's the plan? Simple: regular exercise and healthier food choices. it's a process, but I am ready to do this.


  • Angel1029
    Angel1029 Posts: 459
    YOU CAN DO IT!!! Good luck on your journey!!!
  • emilex
    emilex Posts: 95 Member
    It's a fabulous plan! You CAN do it. Good luck :)
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Oh that's totally doable by Christmas - that's only 5 lbs a month or about 1lb a week and that's not even counting the rest of April so you have 2 weeks to get your plan in motion and to start logging what you're really eating so you can better adjust before the first of May!