whether or not to count fish oil and flaxseed oil

Hello all. My doctor recommended I take 6g of Flaxseed Oil capsules and 6g of Omega 3 Fish Oil capsules per day because it's supposed to help with the inflammation in my neck caused by two herniated discs. I'm wondering if anyone else takes these supplements, and if so, do you count the calories in your food diary?


  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    i don't take those, but i do take other supplements, and pretty much if it goes in your mouth, it goes in the diary. lol.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I take them, but I don't count them. If I started counting all my vitamins, minerals, and supplements, I'd be here all day! That and, most dont have any significant logg-able value (like calories/fat/etc!). Thats just me though!
  • N_BEAST_MODE_24_7
    N_BEAST_MODE_24_7 Posts: 120 Member
    Yes, I take the fish oil supplements, and I do count them in my diary
  • taosan
    taosan Posts: 8 Member
    Well of course it should go in your diary. On a side-note though, you may find it interesting that Flaxseed and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are actually not the types of fat that make you fat, quite the opposite, they play vital roles in how stored fat is being metabolized, so these actually help you to lose weight provided you have some sort of physical activities in your program.
  • Lutiebelle
    Lutiebelle Posts: 36 Member
    I take both of these supplements and I count them in my diary.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I'm curious to know if they are working for you? My husband has inflammation and if they help, I will let him know for sure.

    As for counting calories, I would could them. I have a few MFP friends who count all supplements into their diaries. Heck, I even count a tsp of ketchup. It's all really personal preferance.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I do as I take a fair bit of fish oil. (5ml liquid and 3 1000mg caps per day)
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Oh I know Taosan. That's just 120 calories I'm not actually eating though, but I guess since it still is consumed it should count.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    but you are consuming those calories. ;)
  • taosan
    taosan Posts: 8 Member
    Well if it's in it's in, doesn't matter if you had to chew on it :)
  • DaddyMantz
    DaddyMantz Posts: 145 Member
    If you would rather eat the calories, you can find ground flax seed and/or flax seed oil. Put it in yogurt, or smoothies, or anything really. (Fish oil tastes nasty so I wouldn't cook with it.) Flax is loaded with Omega 3.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    wow, I had NEVER thought about cooking with fish oil. That is rank, even for me, a massive fish/seafood fan.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    If you would rather eat the calories, you can find ground flax seed and/or flax seed oil. Put it in yogurt, or smoothies, or anything really. (Fish oil tastes nasty so I wouldn't cook with it.) Flax is loaded with Omega 3.

    Yes, but flax and all plant sources of Omega 3s are primarily EPA or ALA and little to no DHA. That's why people tend to go for fish oil when seeking Omega 3 supplementation--it has higher concentrations of DHA than do plant sources. Your body is pretty lousy at converting EPA or ALA to DHA (the most optimistic studies show a conversion rate of 15%).

    Here's a good article on flaxseed: http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/flaxseed-000244.htm
  • snickerpants
    snickerpants Posts: 44 Member
    I take flaxseed oil for my eyes and I do count them. They're only 10 calories each though.