best/worst exercise dvd

okay I am new to this whole exercise thing I been told forever that i should but I never did. So what I am asking is that you please list your best/worst exercise DVD and why if you could. I live in a very small town and the closes gym is 30 min away and it is a small town gym.

Thanks everyone for all the support


  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I like Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I don't use a gym by choice. I prefer to walk or dance. See if there is a local dance class you can join if that is your interest. Finding and doing what you enjoy is best. Also check your local library for exercise dvd's first and try before you buy.
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    Best for me is : Zumba collection. Easy to do, interesting and I burn so much calories.

    Worst: cardio belly dance by Rania. Its the worst dvd I ever did.

    For jillian micheals, its quite nice but boring to me.
  • ceri1980
    ceri1980 Posts: 92 Member
    I would recommend Zumba to and addictive and great for weight loss as it burns so many calories. Remember you onbly get out of it what you put in though. On average an hour of zumba can birn between 500 - 800 calories.

    I have also lost 10inches around my waist from it :)

    Good Luck in whatever you choose!
  • delilah514
    delilah514 Posts: 126 Member
    I like anything by Kathy Smith. I know she is kinda old school. Actually some of the ones I use are old VHS my mom had from when I was younger. But I did get a new DVD of hers last year. She makes great use of mixing cardio & weights into one routine.

    I also like anything by Gilad. He has a show on Fit TV if you have that channel or you can buy his videos online as well.
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    worst for me is probably the carmen electra strip tease work out, its hard work but i just ended up giggling all the time so never finished it, annnoying thing is i bought the box set! never got past disc one lol
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Isn't zumba the EXACT some thing as grabbing a CD and making up your own dance moves to the songs?

    Seems like an expensive fad to me.
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    I love Gilad Janklowicz's "Total Body Sculpt" and "Bodies in Motion" DVD's. I think no matter what level you're at, you can get something out of them. You can get the ones that are "As seen on tv" and they are only 22 minutes long, or you can get the extended ones which are about 45 minutes long, I think. The "Bodies in Motion" is more cardio and the "Total Body Sculpt" is more (as the name would suggest) sculpting - aka strength training. The Body Sculpt doesn't *all* involve weights, but some of it does.

    I don't know about worst really. There have been some dancing ones I tried on FitTV and on Instant Watch, but I don't remember the names.

    I'm doing P90X right now and it's ok, but I wouldn't suggest doing it as your first exercise DVD. You may get very discouraged because they are a bit tougher.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    I use this site for exercise videos:

    The site has clips of each video, reviews and a good search function.

    Videos I've done:

    The Firm: I love The Firm videos - I like circuit workouts with cardio and weights. I did have to alter them a lot the first time I did them (less reps of each exercise, less/no weight, push pause for breaks!). I have a few of the older series and recent series haven't received as good a review.

    TaeBo: I really liked TaeBo. In fact, I burned out on TaeBo I used to do it so much. I like Billy and I didn't need a lot of equipment.

    Gaiam Yoga: Beginner Yoga with Patricia Walden or any Rodney Yee.

    Fat Burning for Dummies: For the true aerobics beginner, but I still use this one if I want a low impact aerobic workout.

    I have many others - but for one reason or other I don't do them. I have several dance style exercise videos, but I find them boring and ineffective, which is exactly the opposite reason I chose them (I have Samba, Ballet, Salsa, Bellydancing).

    Jillian Michaels 30Day Shred - This is the one trendy video I have, and I didn't like it. I liked the short bursts of impact cardio, but the strength moves were too easy (probably because I'd already been doing The Firm, which is a similar circuit video but 3 times as long). Maybe I don't like the strength moves because the video is so short I don't feel I can get a good workout. I also find it boring.
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    I like anything by Kathy Smith. I know she is kinda old school. Actually some of the ones I use are old VHS my mom had from when I was younger. But I did get a new DVD of hers last year. She makes great use of mixing cardio & weights into one routine.

    I also like anything by Gilad. He has a show on Fit TV if you have that channel or you can buy his videos online as well.

    Yeah Kathy Smith is the same person I recommended that you used too!! :) She is the one who makes the diabetes workout program!! She would be perfect for you to start out with!!

    Right now for myself though I would have to say that I am a HUGE Tony Horton fan!! I love me some P90X!!! This man is a beast and he sure kicks your butt with his workouts, there is no doubt about that, but I love that I have already lost like 6 inches AND 5 pounds in less than a month!! I also love how much stronger I feel and how much further I can push myself with each workout!! :D
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I'd have to give p90x the best. I'm not a fan of workout dvds, but I have a good friend who made some great progress with this program.

    Worst. Any ab dvd. You don't get abs from excercising, you get them from proper nutrition.
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    I've tried a few, the Tae Bo seemed like fun but I keep having the problem of a very tiny living room so very little space to exercise in, especially if kicking or sideways movements are required. Anyone else found this?
  • Mmmie
    Mmmie Posts: 31
    Thanks everyone I will look into each one There are just so many and i really didn't want to waste money since I am on a tight budge right now
    Thanks again everyone
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    As someone else suggested, check out your local library. And ask them if they borrow from other libraries - if they do, that can really widen your choices. If you have Netflix, there are also a lot of fitness DVDs on there that you can try.

    For beginners, I like Leslie Sansome's Walk Away the Pounds or if you want something a little dancy, Hip Hop Abs.

    Also, just plain old walking outdoors is a great way to burn calories!
  • Paiche
    Paiche Posts: 92
    Good ones:
    Jillian michaels 30 day shred (Gets a good burn, and has levels)
    Jillian michaels cardio kickbox (i absolutely love this, but some say its too hard)
    Windsor Pilates 20 minute workout (Good mini workout, but a few moves i cant quite do)
    Denise Austin has some goodies, if you can stand her bubble attitude, it personal makes me feel stupid

    Eh Videos:
    Rania's bellydance hip drop hip hop (Some of the moves go fast and i get flustered, and i took dance classes for years!)
    Urban Striptease (can be fun and make you feel sexy, low impact, but if you can't get alone time its embarrassing)
  • dietcokeplease
    dietcokeplease Posts: 29 Member
    I'm a big fan of The Bar Method's DVDs for strength training; I've never felt a burn like this from regular gym equipment and it's a female friendly workout.

    The New York City Ballet Workout is a favorite too.

    I'm having a go with Brazil Butt Lift too and I think I like it; the music is a little obnoxious. I close the blinds and wait until everyone else is out of the house or in bed before I throw it in the DVD player. I get super sweaty from it though, might be worth the embarrassment. I've heard great things about a lot of other Beach Body programs.

    My least favorite is also Tae Bo. Just not into it. Maybe I'm not coordinated enough.

    When I was in college I checked DVDs and videos out from the public library. It might be nice to try some different programs for variety and to get a feel of what you like before you purchase anything.
  • TheTrophyWife
    TheTrophyWife Posts: 86 Member
    Try starting with to ease yourself into exercising. Coach Nicole is great and they have work outs from 10 minutes up to an hour. If you're looking for DVDs, ANYTHING by Chalene Johnson is fabulous and fun. I also like Leslie Sansome for walking and I also have a George Foreman workout which really is great! He has people all ages and sizes in his class. Before you go to a retail store to buy any DVDs, check and Amazon. You can find good used DVDs there! My neighbor purchased Turbo Jam online for less than what it sells on the infomercial. She used it once and then gave it to me. I LOVE them!
  • Mmmie
    Mmmie Posts: 31
    Well the library was a bust for exercise DVD but that okay They have a lot of great books lol

    I do have netflix it just so hard to choose

    thanks again for all the great ideas
  • duffylinn
    duffylinn Posts: 30
    You can get a lot of exercise DVD's on Netflix or the instant que on Netflix ;) I love the 20 minute pilates! :)
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    Zumba Fitness videos are my favorite. For strength, I suggest the BOSU series, and I'm a trainer, Zumba, Pilates and general fitness instructor with 20 plus years experience. Anything by Jillian Michael's or Denise Austin are my LEAST favorite. They are too self promoting, and they do not reperesent what real trainers and instructors teach. I do agree that Kathy Smith is fairly decent.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    The best Pilates videos, in my opinion, are Giam videos.