SAHM 4/18 - 4/24



  • ksmom27
    ksmom27 Posts: 19
    Hi everyone! My name is Chelsea, I am a new SAHM tryig to find a good schedule to keep my work outs in check. This week I only have worked out once, and my eating habits have been horrible. I was browsing the forums and found you guys! I think this group is just what I need! I have an almost 6 month old daughter, I am still exclusively breastfeeding. For me the most challenging part of my day is finding the time to exercise. My husband works nights so after our baby goes to bed we usually hang out together untl he goes to work. And then I am still getting up once or twice a night with baby so when she gets up in the morning for the day around 6-7 I am so tired that I take her morning nap with her. And the rest of the day I am busy with appointments errands and chores that I need to get done. So my only real ideal times to work out are during her naps, or after she goes to bed. So I have to either take away quality time with my husband, or give up on sleep.When I was on a good workout schedule I would work out during her morning nap and work out for as long as I could while she slept, but I have just been so tired from staying up so late with the hubby that I have lost motivation and have been choosing more sleep. ANyway I look forward to getting to know you all better. Cheers to our weight loss goals!! I know we can do it!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Chelsea-Welcome to our group!

    WildCat-Good luck on your WI today.

    I did my WI today and I lost a lb. Out of the 5 lbs I gained the last 2 week, I have 4 to go to get back to where I was before I got sick. Hope everyone has a good Friday and everything. Today is the last day of my workouts, I'm taking the weekend off like I usually do, unless we get to go outside and enjoy the warm air, but we'll see what the weather has in store for us.
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Just had to jump on real quick and say I REACHED MY 1ST GOAL! 20lbs gone, offically prebaby weight!! I reset my goals for the next 10, figure if I go for 10lb at a time it won't seem like I have so much more to go!! Just wanted to share & say thank you ladies for all your support & encouragement, it has been a big help to me especially these last 6 weeks since hubby left!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Christi-CONGRATS!! That's an awesome accomplishment.

    Barb-One pound down is a good start!

    Chelsea-Welcome! It is hard to find time to exercise with a new baby and still try to give your husband some attention as well. Rest with daughter for her first nap then use the second one to get some exercise in. The household chores will always be there do what's absolutely necessary and ask your husband to help out with some as well. In the mean time make sure you work on your nutrition side, that is something you can control and will make a big difference.

    Wildcat-Good luck on your weigh in!

    I'm doing well, spent most of yesterday cleaning literally from 10-8. My MIL is coming to visit so I moved furniture around and vacuumed everything, swept mopped, cleaned bathrooms and bedrooms sorted and carried things to the basement. I even tackled my husbands side of the closet since I already went through my side.

    I'm off again for now. Check back later
  • pinklion721
    pinklion721 Posts: 226 Member
    Christi congrats on accomplishing your first goal!!

    Chelsea I understand completely. My man works night shift also. He works 7 pm- 7 am. My son is now 23 months so exercising is easier to fit in but when he was 6 months I was working and breastfeeding. I had to find work outs I could do with my son. Weather permitting we went for long walks/jogs. Sometimes we would walk the mall. It may not be strenuous but it worked for me. I also used to dance with him and use him as weights. Lol he loved it and always wanted more. Good luck!

    Barb woo hoo another lb gone!

    This week I started JM 6 WEEK 6 PACK and omg muscles I didn't even know I had are sore. I did lose an inch in my waist so it must be working!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Earth Day and Good Friday for those who celebrate it!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    marking for later.

    read a few of the first entries--strong start to the week! excellent!
    welcome to the new ladies!

    chk u later
  • ksmom27
    ksmom27 Posts: 19
    Those were some great tips thank you all!

    Pinklion- I especially loved the idea of incorporating baby in work outs.. the weather is getting nicer so taking walks will be easy and fun to do.. and the dancing with baby is my kind of fun. Its Amazing that when you had a 6 month old you were also working!

    Holly- also a good point is when I can't find time to work out to be sure I stay on track with my nutrition. This is where I failed last week. DIdn't make time for ANY exercise and my nutrition was out the window. At least it was only about a week of damage so now time to get back in the right and healthy mind set.

    Christi- great job at reaching your first goal~!

    Thank you all for the support encouragement and great tips. It really helps to reach your goals when you have people behind you and people you can talk to.
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Just wanted to jump in and say 'hi' to everyone! I haven't been around much, but I hope to catch up soon.
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    I haven't been around because my computer crashed and it won't be fixed until Monday. I need to catch up.

    I've done okay this week....worked out 4 of 5 days, which was my goal. I've added some hand weights to the workouts and walks. I haven't made the greatest food choices, but I didn't go over calories. I think that I've gotten out of the habit of eating badly, so I feel sick if I overdue it with anything. I'm back on track, now.

    I think other than my weekly exercise goals, I would like to have lost 30lbs. by September (that's giving myself 6 months to get half way to my goal).

    Great job on all the progress! Love this board full of people who understand that we can't always fit ourselves in, because our job (SAHM) IS 24/7 and are still encouraging!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member

    Happy Easter everyone!!! Hope everyone gets a chance to get out and enjoy some nice weather!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Great job on the pound Barb!! I know how you're feeling because I've gained 3 pounds this week with my Mom visiting!!

    That's awesome Christi!!


    Soni-No computer is no fun! Great job with the workouts!!

    Stacey-Thanks for that link! I do believe that, but I still feel like it's best for me to log calories. I remember a few months ago my MIL was shocked that I still eat pizza or chocolate, but I told her that it's fine as long as it's not putting me over my goals for the day. She was shocked.

    This week has been terrible for me. My family was here visiting and we've had snacks galore. Not to mention McDonald's and pizza. It's putting my sodium levels up and I've gained three pounds despite hitting calorie goals. I'm hoping it will come off soon. I think I'm going to be about 5 pounds away from my first goal on May 5th, but we'll see. It's been raining a ton (and SNOW!!! Yuck!) so I think I need to put myself back down to sedentary because we're just not getting outside. Does anyone else fluctuate their activity level as obsessively as me? :laugh: I hope everyone has a great day!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I'm not sure if a new post has been made yet, but happy Easter everyone!! I lost 2.2 lbs, increasing my calories worked, wohoooo! Of course I'm sure I gained it all back in the last 3 days :blushing: What was supposed to be one drink Friday night turned into three which of course led to more eating. How I ever lost weight in college I'll never know! We've been at my parents' the last 2 days and I've been in the chocolate almost constantly. PMS + Easter = whoops! Back to it tomorrow, for sure. Stroller Strides class moved outdoors this week and what a difference, I couldn't MOVE yesterday I was so sore. Was supposed to run today, but I've had very little sleep the last two nights and would be napping now if family wasn't over. Hopefully I can catch up some tonight.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    New Thread starting tomorrow

    Went ahead and started the new thread of the new week.

    Hope everyone had a good day, looks like I'll be taking my lil guy to the dr's in the morning, he's not doing so well :frown: Will check back in tomorrow. G'night all!