Advice needed please.

Jain Posts: 861 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I've had to give up walking on the treadmill at the gym for a really odd reason. I've got slightly arthritic hips & my gym is not air conditioned so they just have big floor fans scattered around. With the warmer weather starting the fans are usually on full blast & are aimed at the treadmills. But the cold air blowing on my hips makes them flair up & ache like crazy.:grumble:
If, and its a big if, there is no one else using them then no problem, I can switch the fan off. But when they are in use the fans are needed.
I already walk as much as I can outside, but I could do with some ideas to replace the treadmill at the gym.
I already use the recumbent bike & the arc cross trainer.
I have problems on the stepper, joint problems again but I am working on that, and the rowing machine is just a big no no ATM, big belly & big boobs make it too uncomfortable to use.:blushing:


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