6 week PUSH YOURSELF challenge, WEEK 3



  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I made my goals last week but barely. :) Started again out strong yesterday. 700+ cals burned. I love being a part of this challenge b/c I won't let my self not finish at least the bare minimum. LOL I'm a little competitive.

    Yesterday did arms and up ed my weights just a tad and can totally feel it again. :) Call me silly but I like that "little sore" feeling after a good workout. The weather is perfect here and I'm hoping to get on the bike for real. I'm afraid of the shoes. LOL. I don't want to fall over when I stop b/c I forget to take my feet out. I've been riding the bike at the gym for an hour and doing random hills so I should be somewhat prepared for the real thing. I can feel/see a difference in my legs so I'm going to be excited at the end of 6 weeks what I've accomplished.

    Keep up the great work everyone and Tracie wow don't you ever get tired? All your working out is wearing me out. LOL. Keep up the great work.

    Oh yea, I've decided that no running for me till I get new shoes as my heel is killing me. Since the man is unemployed and I work part time it may be awhile. I'm doing a contract job so maybe at the end of that. :) Have plans to get back in the pool this week though so will be mixing it up a bit. October is the tri. So I need to get busy. :)))

    Way to go Beth, you are doing awesome! The pool sounds soooo good. I think swimming works more of the entire body and is better for you than running, so that will be perfect. I have recently found a new love of swimming.

    Oh, I get tired. If I sit down in the middle of the afternoon I will fall asleep and when I finally sit down at the end of the day I am fighting to keep my eyes open until I go to bed. Today I am really sore and stiff and I just don't know why. But, you have been my MFP friend for a while and you know that I said I was going to PUSH, PUSH, PUSH this six weeks leading up to seeing my entire family. A year ago I would not have followed through on telling myself I was going to do this. Today I am following through and short of killing myself, I am going to PUSH MYSELF as hard as I possibly can. I go lighter on the weekends because my body is just wore out and then by Monday morning I am reading to give my all again.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Wow, how busy life has been since last Friday--was in a friend's wedding (a strapless dress--AAH!), then family things for a few days kept me away from the computer (not always a bad thing!)

    Week 2 was a success for exercising--met my 350 minutes (barely thanks to the weekend). I met the water goal for every day except Friday and Saturday--and BOY did my body scream at my on Sunday for it!

    Week 3 is off to a good start--43 minutes of exercise yesterday, 30 so far today, and plans for more this afternoon.

    Can't wait to go back and read all of the posts I've missed since last week. Really appreciating this challenge--it's nice to be accountable to someone, especially when I'm just getting started!

    Way to go and glad to see you back here. We have lost so many people since this challenge began and I am certainly glad you are not one of them.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    i feel awesome. i weighed in today lost 2lbs woohoo.

    Yesterday i did Jillian 30 day shred 30 mins and about 200 calories.

    consumed 168 oz 21 glasses. i feel great

    This is such FANTASTIC news. Way to go! You are seeing results from all of your hard work.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    105 minutes in today Shred and walking. We also had a gloomy day, just rain here. 10 8oz glasses, hope another before bed.

    Way to go! Great work! Nasty here, too. I really find this bad weather we are having in ND bringing my mood down and making a little harder to push myself. So, let's both just remember our challenge and keep plugging away. You are doing great!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Here are my results for Week Three, day two:
    I did 55 minutes of running, with walking inserted in at times, burned, per my HRM, 775 calories
    I did 30 minutes of the elliptical and burned, per my HRM, 536 calories,
    I did a 52 minute muscle pump class and burned, per my HRM, 529 calories

    I have drank 18 glasses of water so far, but am parched and willd drink more

    I have done 222 minutes of cardio and 72 minutes of strength for a total of 294 minutes so far this week.
    Here are my Week Three, Day one results:

    I did 60 minutes of walk/run intervals, this morning, and burned, per my HRM, 708 calories
    I Roller Skated 33 minutes, this afternoon, and burned, per my HRM, 508 calories
    I did circuit strength training for 20 minutes and burned, per my HRM, 202 calories
    I did a 44 minute kettlebell class and burned, per my HRM, 616 calories

    I am at 17 glasses of water, so far, but am still drinking.

    I have done 137 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of strength training.

    Hope everyone is PUSHING THEMSELVES and rocking this day one of week three!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey Gang:

    I am sick of this weather! Winter was long enough and I am really itching to get out for some serious riding. I need to start logging more miles in prep for RAGBRAI. I caved and brought the bike inside tonight so I could spin for a bit on the training stand but it just not the same (or as fun)!

    So here's the numbers for the week so far:

    45 minutes of elliptical
    30 minutes-walking
    60 minutes-circuit training

    8 glasses of water

    45 minutes-elliptical
    30 minutes-walking
    15 minutes-lifted weights standing on bosu
    30 minutes-bike on training stand

    9 glasses of water

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Evening all!
    Plyo X near killed me today but I did what I said I would do ....

    Monday: 4 mile run + 1/2 P90X CST (1230 calories)
    Tuesday: 30 minutes Plyo X (270 calories)

    = 1500 calories
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Let me just say that I was so not smart today. Just want you all to know this so I can be held accountable to not do it again. So my cardio today consists of 40 minutes of walking. I go on the treadmill...barefoot. In my defense, I was low on time. I managed to get my cardio in in 40, do my strength in less than 5, and take a shower, and grab my dinner, all before The Biggest Loser came on. So I did pretty good time wise there. However, I have quite a few blisters on my feet. I know I deserve them, but man are they hurting! I just thought you all should now this. And a word of advice, never do this. It's not worth the pain and I'm sure I'll be feeling it for a few weeks. :( But that ain't gonna stop me.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Anyway, on to my results.
    Here is my results for day two, week three.
    - I did one of my Fitness walks for 40 minutes and according to my treadmill, I burned 268 calories.
    - My strength training lasted for 4 minutes and according to MFP, I burned 15 calories.
    - I got in 8 glasses of water.
    Total: 44 minutes. 40 minutes is cardio and 4 minutes is strength.

    chickadee's week three progress:
    Total Weekly Minutes: 64
    Total Weekly Cardio Minutes: 55
    Total Weekly Strength Minutes: 9
    Total Weekly Water Intake: 16 glasses

    chickadees total 6 week progress:
    Total Challenge Minutes: 935
    Total Challenge Cardio Minutes: 693
    Total Challenge Strength Minutes: 257
    Total Challenge Water Intake: 126
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    Day 16

    Cardio: 60 mins - Elliptical

    Week 3 Totals: 108 mins/Cardio; 0 mins/Strength; 45 mins/Other= 153 mins
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Let me just say that I was so not smart today. Just want you all to know this so I can be held accountable to not do it again. So my cardio today consists of 40 minutes of walking. I go on the treadmill...barefoot. In my defense, I was low on time. I managed to get my cardio in in 40, do my strength in less than 5, and take a shower, and grab my dinner, all before The Biggest Loser came on. So I did pretty good time wise there. However, I have quite a few blisters on my feet. I know I deserve them, but man are they hurting! I just thought you all should now this. And a word of advice, never do this. It's not worth the pain and I'm sure I'll be feeling it for a few weeks. :( But that ain't gonna stop me.

    Now what on earth possessed yo to do this barefoot? It hurts my feet just thinking about it!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Let me just say that I was so not smart today. Just want you all to know this so I can be held accountable to not do it again. So my cardio today consists of 40 minutes of walking. I go on the treadmill...barefoot. In my defense, I was low on time. I managed to get my cardio in in 40, do my strength in less than 5, and take a shower, and grab my dinner, all before The Biggest Loser came on. So I did pretty good time wise there. However, I have quite a few blisters on my feet. I know I deserve them, but man are they hurting! I just thought you all should now this. And a word of advice, never do this. It's not worth the pain and I'm sure I'll be feeling it for a few weeks. :( But that ain't gonna stop me.

    Now what on earth possessed yo to do this barefoot? It hurts my feet just thinking about it!
    Ingeniously, that would be because I was low on time. Now I'll know to lace up no matter what.
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152

    Strength Training - 20 minutes
    Cardio - 30 minutes
    Total - 50 minutes

    Weekly Total - 110 minutes

    I'm getting baptized on Saturday and its Holy Week so I am very busy - I sure hope I get to 350 this week!
  • BRFMcKay
    BRFMcKay Posts: 80 Member
    I fell, and fell hard this week.

    I was looking forward to my final workout of the week on Sunday, but then my IBS kicked in and wanted to create havoc for me. It was a challenge to not get sick from eating that day!

    On monday I had to make the 2.5 hour trek to my parents' to pick up something, but before that I folded all our laundry from the night before (we have to go to a laundromat) and did all the dishes. Then I booked my butt to my parents', still not feeling well.

    Tuesday I had to leave my parents' and once I got home I had to shower and book it right to work.

    But today, today is when I really failed. It was nice outside. I mean 80 degrees and sunny in PA. I LOVED it. So I decided to run errands and then work out. Well, when I was driving home, it looked like the sky was going to explode so I stayed in my apartment. Well, cleaning up, getting our decorations, etc. and I noticed I was low on time and needed to just shower. No 30DS for me, no Netflix fitness program. Well, I get out of the shower and guess who decided not to rain?!? The sun was out again. I was pouting the whole way to work with the windows down.

    I'm sorrrrrryyyy. I feel like a failure to myself. And it's Holy Week and I am running around like crazy. I think/hope Thurs./Fri./Sat. and Sunday will be better for me, but I don't think I can make up my lost time. =/
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I fell, and fell hard this week.

    I was looking forward to my final workout of the week on Sunday, but then my IBS kicked in and wanted to create havoc for me. It was a challenge to not get sick from eating that day!

    On monday I had to make the 2.5 hour trek to my parents' to pick up something, but before that I folded all our laundry from the night before (we have to go to a laundromat) and did all the dishes. Then I booked my butt to my parents', still not feeling well.

    Tuesday I had to leave my parents' and once I got home I had to shower and book it right to work.

    But today, today is when I really failed. It was nice outside. I mean 80 degrees and sunny in PA. I LOVED it. So I decided to run errands and then work out. Well, when I was driving home, it looked like the sky was going to explode so I stayed in my apartment. Well, cleaning up, getting our decorations, etc. and I noticed I was low on time and needed to just shower. No 30DS for me, no Netflix fitness program. Well, I get out of the shower and guess who decided not to rain?!? The sun was out again. I was pouting the whole way to work with the windows down.

    I'm sorrrrrryyyy. I feel like a failure to myself. And it's Holy Week and I am running around like crazy. I think/hope Thurs./Fri./Sat. and Sunday will be better for me, but I don't think I can make up my lost time. =/

    Okay, let's approach it this way! First of all, you do not have to apologize to any one of us. We are all just participating in a challenge and it is us that have to challenge ourselves. So, no apologies to any of us. Now, second, let's think this way! "Okay, it's day three of week three, remember we run Monday through Sunday in our weeks, so it's day three, I am at work and will not get anything in for today, so what WILL I DO, in the next four days to stay on track with my challenge?" Do not feel like a failure to yourself because it is that kind of thinking that makes us go backwards in our journies. Pick youself up, PUSH YOURSELF, and get what you can knocked out in the next four days. Positive thinking is what is needed here, so I must DEMAND that you be/stay positive! :smile:
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member

    Strength Training - 20 minutes
    Cardio - 30 minutes
    Total - 50 minutes

    Weekly Total - 110 minutes

    I'm getting baptized on Saturday and its Holy Week so I am very busy - I sure hope I get to 350 this week!

    Doing good! Think of it this way! You are 1/3 done with four days left. You can do it, you can do it!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Here is my results for Week Three, day three
    I did 39 minutes walking the dog and burned, per my HRM, 373 calories
    I did a 40 minute session with my trainer that was half and half strength/cardio and burned, per my HRM, 704 calories

    I have had 18 glasses of water, thus far, but more to follow

    I have done 242 minutes of cardio, 92 minutes of strength, and 39 minutes of other for a total of 373 minutes so far this week
    Here are my results for Week Three, day two:
    I did 55 minutes of running, with walking inserted in at times, burned, per my HRM, 775 calories
    I did 30 minutes of the elliptical and burned, per my HRM, 536 calories,
    I did a 52 minute muscle pump class and burned, per my HRM, 529 calories

    I have drank 18 glasses of water so far, but am parched and willd drink more

    I have done 222 minutes of cardio and 72 minutes of strength for a total of 294 minutes so far this week.
    Here are my Week Three, Day one results:

    I did 60 minutes of walk/run intervals, this morning, and burned, per my HRM, 708 calories
    I Roller Skated 33 minutes, this afternoon, and burned, per my HRM, 508 calories
    I did circuit strength training for 20 minutes and burned, per my HRM, 202 calories
    I did a 44 minute kettlebell class and burned, per my HRM, 616 calories

    I am at 17 glasses of water, so far, but am still drinking.

    I have done 137 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of strength training.

    Hope everyone is PUSHING THEMSELVES and rocking this day one of week three!
    im new! hopefully this will push me to work out everyday! and i dont want to let anyone down
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    162 minutes in today and i'm beat! (372 total for the week!:noway: ) It was so nice out today. Did 102 minutes walking outside. 12 8oz glasses of water.

    I weighed myself today and am a little upset. Only 1 lb down? How can that be? Really don't know what i'm doing wrong this time? When I joined this site 2 yrs ago I lost 17lbs in about 2 months, doing 1200 calories and 90 minutes exercise a week. Now kicking my butt and not budging? I will keep pushing, just not happy. Do like my burst of energy. Thanks Tracie for the challenge.
    To make my day better I'm very proud of myself " I am 6 years smoke free today!!" Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!:drinker:

    Enough of me, Good Job Everyone!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    162 minutes in today and i'm beat! (372 total for the week!:noway: ) It was so nice out today. Did 102 minutes walking outside. 12 8oz glasses of water.

    I weighed myself today and am a little upset. Only 1 lb down? How can that be? Really don't know what i'm doing wrong this time? When I joined this site 2 yrs ago I lost 17lbs in about 2 months, doing 1200 calories and 90 minutes exercise a week. Now kicking my butt and not budging? I will keep pushing, just not happy. Do like my burst of energy. Thanks Tracie for the challenge.
    To make my day better I'm very proud of myself " I am 6 years smoke free today!!" Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!:drinker:

    Enough of me, Good Job Everyone!

    Way to go you are only 1 minute behind me for your weekly minutes! NICE!

    Now, why not be proud of that one pound? You are doing more working out, you are pushing yourself longer/harder, you are building muscle, and you are going to see a bit of a slow down! Plus if you aren't feeding your body more calories with the bigger/longer workouts you aren't going to see weight come off fast! This is a realization that I have had to come to! I CANNOT
    workout the way I am and continue to eat only 1500-1600 calories! I am just NOT fueling my body! So now on the four days that I do MAJOR working out I am taking in 1900-2100 calories, but these are days I am burning 1700-1900 calories! On Saturday and Sunday when I do lighter workouts and burn between 600-700 calories I only consume 1500-1700 calories! Plus I am also confusing my body by taking in different amounts of calories on different days.

    Now, BE PROUD of losing that 1 pound and the awesome working out that yo are doing! The energy alone should be worth it to you!