breakfast-to eat or not to eat



  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    I guess for today I'd eat it, but for the future, you should either do the apple thing, or buy a couple of those individual servings of a somewhat healthy breakfast cereal or oatmeal or something and just keep that in your office. That way if you forget again you have a decent alternative :D

    EDIT - The few times I have been forced through these types of circumstances to eat junk food it was not enjoyable and did not make me feel like giving up the diet. The junk food grossed me out and reminded me why I loved healthy food. If anything I would say that occasionally eating junk food against my preference keeps me MORE motivated. Food for thought.

    hell the other day I ate 2 Zinggers (300Cals) from a car dealership because they had me trapped there buying a car, so don't feel bad if you do eat them
  • Janeta58
    Janeta58 Posts: 59 Member
    I say ... wait it out until lunch. Just think of 'fasting' before surgery .... one morning won't hurt. And if you decide NOT to hit the vending machine, I bet you won't forget your lunch tomorrow :smile:
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    Yeah not eating at all will cause your metabolism to slow way down for the rest of the day. I would go for maybe a bag of baked potato chips or something like that. Your body need fuel first thing in the am to wake up that metabolism and get you going

    myth myth myth.

    your body does not need to eat first thing in the morning. It does nothing for your metabolism

    I would go ahead and wait until lunch :] your body will thank you for not putting processed junk into it :D

    Thanks for the link!