


  • Trezzy
    Trezzy Posts: 52 Member
    Another Mom here that is always down for new friends! I have a 3 yr old and a 9 week old. I am determined to be at goal by my Little Man's first Birthday. Support is ALWAYS nice!
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    I'm new to the site as well! I am a mommy of a 2 year old baby girl and am 28 years old.... I need all the support I can get on this journey!
  • geewizzamanda357
    geewizzamanda357 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! I am a step-mommy to a wonderful 4 year old little boy, and a new mommy to a 2 month old baby boy. Add me if you want :)
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    :) thanks to all the moms!
  • theresnoeggs
    theresnoeggs Posts: 188 Member
    Hi there! I'm a 24 year old mommy of three (5, 3, and 18 months.) Always looking for fellow "mom friends" on here. ;)
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Hi feel free to add me i'm a mom of an 8 yr old girl...starting to lose the baby weight and the rest. For my daughter i know i can do this she deserves a fit mother and healthy mother.
  • amerr
    amerr Posts: 190
    I'm a mom of 3, (7,5,3)...I finally got tired of the 10 pounds of baby weight that I still had from the last one! I'm here to make a lifestyle change before my weight gets out of control. Feel free to add me, I'd love more mommy friends. :)
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I am a 40 year old mummy to girls 2 & 4, took over 10 years to become a mummy due to infertility issues.
    I really worry about being the old fat one, whemn my eldest starts school in september.

    feel free to add me