New here today

swest222 Posts: 455 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
So like everyone else introducing themselves, Im new here and hoping to actually stick to this journey ....
I dont know why but I woke up today feeling like "today's the day I want to change my life".
Ive been thinking about it for months now, but never actually did anything about it.

Im a blessed Mommy of 2, but Im obese, and I dont want to be "that Mom". I have never actually "tried" to lose weight, ever. Ive never been on a fad diet, or followed an exercise plan. I guess because I was afraid I'd fail.

Im not sure how I want to begin, I know I will be eating better (or just eating period, because many days I just dont make time to eat and when I do, it's the wrong things). There is no junkfood in my house at all (the kids are not allowed to have it so why should I??) .. All I know is that tonight after the kids go to bed, I'll be on the treadmill for at least 20-30 mins even just walking.

Do any of you use the food journal? It says I need to eat a huge amount of calories and even putting in what I'll be eating today doesnt come close to what it says I should be eating?!

I wish you all success on your journey and hope to become friends with some of you along the way .. :)


  • Leahcutie
    Leahcutie Posts: 24
    Welcome! I have used food journals in the past - I now use this site to "journal" my food. It really helps seeing it in black and white. Good luck to you!
  • trottola
    trottola Posts: 14

    I use the food journal, it makes me think about what I'm eating and whether it's good for me or not.. it has helped me cut down a lot!
    Good luck
  • hello and welcome!! i have only been here a week...i use the food journal on this site and its really awesome! I pretty much had a similar epiphany when last week ( and my husband saying he wanted his "hot wife back" during an argument) I joined the local fitness center the next morning and a friend of mine joined it too...

    find some friends both on here and if you can find a workout buddy that helps alot too!
  • I use the food journal faithfully and it has really helped me! I have been able to look at what I eat and decide if I want something that isn't so healthy, which gives me no calories left come dinner or whether I should be sensible and eat right. There is a great feature on my Droid with MFP that allows me to scan barcodes to enter my food. I use it daily!!! Good luck!!!
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    I use it religiously. It helps me hold myself accountable. I know that what I eat I will have to "own up to" when I log in.
  • adfranks
    adfranks Posts: 161 Member
    I really like the tracking system on this site a lot. I used journals in the past, but got bored or lost the journal... I like that this is on-line and easy to use. Also, most of the foods I eat are already in and correct, so it saves time. With two kids, I'm sure you are always in need of ways to make life a bit easier :)

  • Welcome mamabear. :happy: I have been using this site for a while now and I really like it. I don't log everyday, but I should. It helps me make better decisions. I have even downloaded the app for my phone, so I can count calories on the go. I know that it is hard to lose weight. Especially with little people in the house. My son is 20 months and I am still trying to lose the weight that I gained when I was pregnant. And right now, I am the only parent in the household, (my hubby is in Korea right now.)

    Well, If you need support or help, I am here for you. Hope to hear from you soon.

  • sandynx820
    sandynx820 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow, Your introduction to this site is like none I have ever read. Everyone else KNOWS they eat way to much and all the wrong foods too, and wonders how in heck they will be able to stay alive eating the few measley amount of calories that they are allowed!

    I started with 1200 and the first few weeks I was crazy with hunger and I was so sure before I started counting calories that I didn't eat very much either. I never have junk food in the house and never buy candy bars or eat desserts when I go out to eat, but believe me, those first few weeks 1200 seemed like nothing! I have dropped 25 pounds now, and looking back over all my journals I realized that I was never eating fruit or drinking milk. I upped my calorie allowance to 1390 so I could include a serving of each a day, and found out that somehow I am now getting them in each day and am still not going much over the 1200!

    Anyhoo, Welcome aboard and if you would like to be friends, just send me a request!
  • swest222
    swest222 Posts: 455 Member
    wow, thanks for the responses and support!! I will use the tracking journal to see how it goes ... Im excited to start this.
    I even have my hubby getting me Wii Fit for our Wii so I can use that on the days I dont want to use the treadmill.

    I am a full time working Mom, and always had some excuse as to why today wasnt the day. It's raining, it's snowing, it's Friday, it's Christmas etc etc etc ... well my kids are getting older and soon they will be going to school. I want to feel better about myself and be able to keep up with them, along with sparing them being made fun of!

    I wish I could join a local gym or something but my hubby and I work opposites for now so we dont need to send the kids to daycare. But lots of people do it at home, so Im hoping I can too!!!
  • swest222
    swest222 Posts: 455 Member
    Another question, does anyone use the Wii Fit????
  • Jillong
    Jillong Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Mamabear. I only started this week too and yes, I do use a Wii Fit - quite badly because I fall off regularly! However, I am looking forward to balancing on one leg eventually and not falling off.

    Good luck with your journey, they say the first step is the hardest.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Hi mammabear and welcome. I have been using this site since end of Nov 2010 and have lost 36#s. Yes, journaling helps. Yes, you should eat at least 1200 cals/day, and if you 'burn' a lot of cals exercising you should eat back some of those cals as well. I suggest you read the posts regarding "starvation mode"; if you eat too few calories your body will store them vs burning them ( I know it doesn't seem right but it is). Also getting plenty of water to keep hydrated is important. Eating smaller amounts more frequently also helps ( eat 4 -6x/day), say 3 meals and 2-3 snacks.
    Good luck on your journey. :-)
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