Joined One Week Ago

Janeta58 Posts: 59 Member
Hello From Canada!

I joined one week ago and it seems as though I lost four pound in my first week! Just sticking close to 1400 calories/day.
This looks like a user-friendly site and lots of great friendly folks in the 'community'.

I am a tall woman - 6 feet - and have about 18 pounds to lose to have a BMI of 23 or so. I have carried 15 - 30 extra pounds for many years ... up and down ... but never maintaining my goal weight for very long.

But I think this site just might be the secret of learning maintenance!

Have a great day and a great week ahead!



  • rhirvo
    rhirvo Posts: 162 Member
    4 pounds @ 1400 thats amazing! How much are you working out?
  • Slayer66
    Slayer66 Posts: 265
    Hi and welcome fellow Canadian =). This site is excellent, enjoy
  • sunnyrunner23
    sunnyrunner23 Posts: 182 Member
    Me too! One week! I really feel like I can do this. I am down about 3 lbs but I am waiting to see if that is just water. The real test will be after 5 weeks. I am so exctied! I would like to be down 5lbs solid by then. Any more would be a nice bonus!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Well first off hello to a fellow canadian, and welcome to the site. The bmi is a total load of crap and a piss poor model to adhere to. It takes nothing into account for muscle mass or bone density so I would not be going by that as your sole guide, according to my BMI I am overweight which is far from where I currently am, a bodybuilder would be classed as obese according to the BMI scale. In your first week most likely that loss was water weight and some fat, unless you have a lot to lose. I would highly recommend you go with what mfp recommended for a safe fat loss as many do not try to do this the healthy way (the only right way in my opinion) to make this a lifestyle change and last a long time not just a short term thing.