Natural tips for menopause symptoms?

Read that Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) - 2 Tb mixed with 16 oz water, sweetener if needed to get it down, twice a day is supposed to vanquish the :blushing: 'heat' :mad: women of a certain age endure. I seem to recall this was something prescribed as a way to control your weight as well. Is this a double winner?

Being a skeptic I wonder if it is just the volume of water doing the job here, or maybe others have tried and can share their opinion?


  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Bump! This 39-year old has started having hot flashes, so I NEEEED to know the answer to this one! :noway:
  • lulu1962
    lulu1962 Posts: 210
    After about 3-4 days of starting MFP & drinking lots of ice water every day (I never drank much water previously, 'cause I don't like it!), the hot flashes & night sweats have completely gone away for me! Must be the huge change in my water intake???:drinker:
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    I had the severe Hot Flashes that 17% of women get and for 3 yrs I had them bad. although I never got night sweats and I found if my environment was cool it was a lot better.

    Nothing I tried (natural remedies) worked. If my adrenaline was up at all it was worse.

    It finally calmed way down and now I only get an occassional "moment" but to have 30 horrendous episodes a day was not unusual for me. I don't wish it on anyone.

    The MD said no hormones or patches for me...and I was not going to to that anyway.
    My water intake had no effect. (again this is just me)
    and if you dress in layers and can peel them off when needed and step into a cooler place for a few moments (remembering standing on the deck in Jan with a light snow for about 5 mins ...did that feel good! glad its done) that helps.

    I wish there had been an easy fix.
    some do not get it at all or have a few mild ones. I was not so lucky.

    The good news was I never got a cold or was sick during that whole time...what germ could possibly live in that heat?!

    best of luck with this ...hope you find a fix!:flowerforyou:
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member

    I wish there had been an easy fix.
    some do not get it at all or have a few mild ones. I was not so lucky.

    The good news was I never got a cold or was sick during that whole time...what germ could possibly live in that heat?!

    Too funny! Agree I have done some outrageous things to cool off that at any other time of life might have resulted in pneumonia! What germ indeed!
    After about 3-4 days of starting MFP & drinking lots of ice water every day (I never drank much water previously, 'cause I don't like it!), the hot flashes & night sweats have completely gone away for me! Must be the huge change in my water intake???:drinker:

    Thanks for this - I suspect you are exactly right!
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    I haven't heard of it for hot flashes but I did hear it's great for a lot of weight issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and weight loss in general. I guess it couldn't hurt.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I've tried all kinds of things, with what I'd consider moderate success from some of them. What seems to be working for me is milled flax seed (mixed in my yogurt or oatmeal) and consuming some soy products later in the day. I'm also taking Estroven but notice the hot flashes escalate if I drop the milled flax seed and/or the soy. They're both sources of phytoestrogens, which could help or worsen your symptoms depending on which hormones are high or low at the moment. My doctor said my estrogen level had swung from really high to really low - and that's when the hot flashes came on with a vengeance. Not everyone is going to have the same hormonal imbalance, and it can change quickly, so it's not always easy to find a solution.

    This page has some really interesting info about phytoestrogens:

    There's a lot more out there in google land.
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    There's a great group of women on this topic here:

    Someone there may have some insight so check it out.