Am I the only one?



  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I agree with you on the comment issue. But, this isn't a maturity issue but rather a human nature issue. Of course we notice other people at the gym. That's only natural to compare ourselves to others to see where we fit in. This will happen know matter what your weight is. That shouldn't stop someone from going to the gym though. Hold your head high and be proud you're at the gym and not worry about what other people think or say.
    On that note people may think what they want but shouldn't post their thoughts because, that is just plain rude. Sorry some people offended you though, that isn't right. Good luck on your weight loss.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I've never seen a comment like that here... hmmmm
    Same here.

    I've 3 threads in the past week with these comments. 2 today alone.
  • JackieJ13
    JackieJ13 Posts: 93
    Yeah, I think people need to just mind their own business. Everyone has something to work on, so just work on yourself and don't worry about anyone else.
    One time a few years ago, I went to a step class at my gym. I think I was the ONLY overweight person there. I really appreciated the teacher as she passed me on the way out saying that I did a great job keeping up on my first class. I think it should always be that encouraging.
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    Please don't be afraid of what other people think at the gym. What only matters is what you think and feel. It's in our nature to think things about other people to make ourselves feel better. It's another thing to say something. Don't feel discouraged or think badly of the gym. All that matters is your health. good luck
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    I'm with you on this!!
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    I've never seen a comment like that here... hmmmm
    Same here.

    I've seen enough of those types of comments on here to last me a lifetime! :(

    Very happy that you haven't! :)
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I am going to allow myself to get flamed to defend some of these comments. First, I’d like to say that I do not defend derogatory statements about people, that is in fact, immature. That being said, referring to someone as fat, is not derogatory, it is simply an adjective like tall, skinny, athletic, white, black etc… and I think there has been too much sensitivity that has developed around referring to someone as fat.

    Additionally, from my experience, many of these individuals that are sitting on the bike going 1mph and are more focused on their, book, phone, video games (yes, I have seen fat people on bikes playing handheld video games) are the same people that will come on here and say “but I am eating right and working out, why am I not losing weight?” and then reject every suggestion other’s give them.

    Personally, I think that if people were criticized and judged more rather than spoon fed only what they want to hear, they would be much more motivated and achieve better results.

    Let the flaming commence.
  • People do this to make themselves feel better. Unacceptable? Absolutely, but it happens.

    I pay attention to people, but in a good way. I look at women who are in shape and make that what I'm aiming for that day. I like to watch the people playing basketball and see other people push through intense workouts because it motivates me. If I see someone who is larger than I am, I just think to myself, "good for you!". It takes a lot of motivation to get into a gym if you are not normally active, so I'm proud of them for making the effort.

    Just bring your ipod with you and don't think about what other people are thinking. Chances are, you're never going to get to know them on a personal level so their opinions shouldn't matter.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I am going to allow myself to get flamed to defend some of these comments. First, I’d like to say that I do not defend derogatory statements about people, that is in fact, immature. That being said, referring to someone as fat, is not derogatory, it is simply an adjective like tall, skinny, athletic, white, black etc… and I think there has been too much sensitivity that has developed around referring to someone as fat.

    Additionally, from my experience, many of these individuals that are sitting on the bike going 1mph and are more focused on their, book, phone, video games (yes, I have seen fat people on bikes playing handheld video games) are the same people that will come on here and say “but I am eating right and working out, why am I not losing weight?” and then reject every suggestion other’s give them.

    Personally, I think that if people were criticized and judged more rather than spoon fed only what they want to hear, they would be much more motivated and achieve better results.

    Let the flaming commence.

    Well I guess my whole point was why do you care? and so what their playing a video game, maybe they have a heart condition and cant over do it so their doctor told them light workouts only? The point is you dont know their story or the day they had.

    You think people should be judged more? Really? Tell that to the girl sticking her finger down her throat to get her body to what society thinks is thin. I think we'd all be better off minding our own business and letting others go about their journey in the way they want to get there!
  • jene77
    jene77 Posts: 70 Member
    :smile: Great post!
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    Agreed, I'm not going to lie--I absolutely NOTICE other people at the gym. Like a budgie, a bright pair of shoes or a really cute shirt will draw my eye. But I was always taught to keep opinions to myself.

    I would DIE before I would say something like the fatty at the gym or the noneck by the weights. But there is this one girl I can't help but watch, mostly because I want to look like her one day. She is just a brick of muscle and when she's on the scary machines that I don't even know what the heck they are, I think about how one day I'll know what the hell that contraption is.

    The people who say those things, I imagine they don't mean them, they think they're being funny.

    Human Nature makes us notice, Upbringing makes us not care.

    "First, I’d like to say that I do not defend derogatory statements about people, that is in fact, immature. That being said, referring to someone as fat, is not derogatory, it is simply an adjective like tall, skinny, athletic, white, black etc"

    Actually, referring to someone as fat IS derogatory in this society. In which you live.

    tending to lessen the merit or reputation of a person or thing; disparaging
  • valentine4
    valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
    I agree completely they have little to be doing! as for what people are wearing? eh who cares its a gym not a fashion show! I saw a yummy mummy at the gym recently in full make up! that is the one and only time I have ever noticed or commented on someones appearence at the gym. ( she did look funny)
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I am going to allow myself to get flamed to defend some of these comments. First, I’d like to say that I do not defend derogatory statements about people, that is in fact, immature. That being said, referring to someone as fat, is not derogatory, it is simply an adjective like tall, skinny, athletic, white, black etc… and I think there has been too much sensitivity that has developed around referring to someone as fat.

    Additionally, from my experience, many of these individuals that are sitting on the bike going 1mph and are more focused on their, book, phone, video games (yes, I have seen fat people on bikes playing handheld video games) are the same people that will come on here and say “but I am eating right and working out, why am I not losing weight?” and then reject every suggestion other’s give them.

    Personally, I think that if people were criticized and judged more rather than spoon fed only what they want to hear, they would be much more motivated and achieve better results.

    Let the flaming commence.

    Well I guess my whole point was why do you care? and so what their playing a video game, maybe they have a heart condition and cant over do it so their doctor told them light workouts only? The point is you dont know their story or the day they had.

    You think people should be judged more? Really? Tell that to the girl sticking her finger down her throat to get her body to what society thinks is thin. I think we'd all be better off minding our own business and letting others go about their journey in the way they want to get there!

    I care because these are the people that will then post on here and say things like “yeah, I tried the bike for a while too and it never worked for me” when they didn’t actually put forth an effort; and the plague of misinformation and the idea that everyone’s circumstances are special continues to spread.

    I am for pushing people in the right direction, through fitness and healthy living, not just their appearance, as is what drives those with eating disorders. More people should be hearing what they need to hear rather than what they want to hear.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I've never seen a comment like that here... hmmmm
    Same here.

    me too... I have however seen people bash peoples "cute" work out clothes! Step off! haha Who cares if I like to match!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I am going to allow myself to get flamed to defend some of these comments. First, I’d like to say that I do not defend derogatory statements about people, that is in fact, immature. That being said, referring to someone as fat, is not derogatory, it is simply an adjective like tall, skinny, athletic, white, black etc… and I think there has been too much sensitivity that has developed around referring to someone as fat.

    Additionally, from my experience, many of these individuals that are sitting on the bike going 1mph and are more focused on their, book, phone, video games (yes, I have seen fat people on bikes playing handheld video games) are the same people that will come on here and say “but I am eating right and working out, why am I not losing weight?” and then reject every suggestion other’s give them.

    Personally, I think that if people were criticized and judged more rather than spoon fed only what they want to hear, they would be much more motivated and achieve better results.

    Let the flaming commence.

    Well I guess my whole point was why do you care? and so what their playing a video game, maybe they have a heart condition and cant over do it so their doctor told them light workouts only? The point is you dont know their story or the day they had.

    You think people should be judged more? Really? Tell that to the girl sticking her finger down her throat to get her body to what society thinks is thin. I think we'd all be better off minding our own business and letting others go about their journey in the way they want to get there!

    I care because these are the people that will then post on here and say things like “yeah, I tried the bike for a while too and it never worked for me” when they didn’t actually put forth an effort; and the plague of misinformation and the idea that everyone’s circumstances are special continues to spread.

    I am for pushing people in the right direction, through fitness and healthy living, not just their appearance, as is what drives those with eating disorders.

    The point is you cant PUSH anyone to do anything. If they dotn want to put forth the effort on the bike that day, they just aren't going to and maybe there is a good reason they didn't. I find it hard to believe you followed someone to the gym, watched them go slowly on the bike, then come here and say it didn't work. Judging someone and being mean does not motivate.

    I just think everyone should give advice when asked for it, other than that mind your own business.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I once had a friend who was about a size five, and pretty athletic and she just couldn't go to the beach one summer because she didn't look good enough. I asked if she spent her time looking at other people and thinking that they shouldn't be there/ wear that. She said yes.

    I think the people who are the most self conscious are the same ones that are criticizing everyone else. It becomes a vicious cycle for them.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I am going to allow myself to get flamed to defend some of these comments. First, I’d like to say that I do not defend derogatory statements about people, that is in fact, immature. That being said, referring to someone as fat, is not derogatory, it is simply an adjective like tall, skinny, athletic, white, black etc… and I think there has been too much sensitivity that has developed around referring to someone as fat.

    Additionally, from my experience, many of these individuals that are sitting on the bike going 1mph and are more focused on their, book, phone, video games (yes, I have seen fat people on bikes playing handheld video games) are the same people that will come on here and say “but I am eating right and working out, why am I not losing weight?” and then reject every suggestion other’s give them.

    Personally, I think that if people were criticized and judged more rather than spoon fed only what they want to hear, they would be much more motivated and achieve better results.

    Let the flaming commence.

    Well I guess my whole point was why do you care? and so what their playing a video game, maybe they have a heart condition and cant over do it so their doctor told them light workouts only? The point is you dont know their story or the day they had.

    You think people should be judged more? Really? Tell that to the girl sticking her finger down her throat to get her body to what society thinks is thin. I think we'd all be better off minding our own business and letting others go about their journey in the way they want to get there!

    I care because these are the people that will then post on here and say things like “yeah, I tried the bike for a while too and it never worked for me” when they didn’t actually put forth an effort; and the plague of misinformation and the idea that everyone’s circumstances are special continues to spread.

    I am for pushing people in the right direction, through fitness and healthy living, not just their appearance, as is what drives those with eating disorders.

    I have to agree with this.... the only reason I would care about things like this on this website, is because I also believe that peopel are searching for what they want to hear... they don't understand that you cant do something half way and expect all the way results... going 1 mph on a bike, will get you to your goal, but don't expect to be losing weight at 2 pounds per week like other people.... But, with that being said, when someone posts on this website that they are working out and eating right, who am I to judge/guess/decipher what "working out" is to them... if it is pedaling at 1mph... then they aren't working out... if they are pedaling at 10mph then they are working out.... just because your body is moving doesn't mean that it is doing you any good..In order to see change you must always push yourself... and I think that is what frustrates people when others ask for help.... if you aren't doing your very very best, then of course you are not going to see results. so asking for our help is moot to the point.
  • bnew2010
    bnew2010 Posts: 3
    I've read some of the post on hear and I agree but on the same time disagree. I don't think anyone should be judged at the gym... at least they are going and making an effort, even if that means just getting off the couch and not eating a bowl of ice cream. But I don't think I should get judged by reading a book on the eliptical b/c I'm too bored to do so without it. But either was I'm on it for an hour. I don't want someone who just walks past me and thinks I'm slacking with a book b/c I'm not drenched in sweat (I don't really sweat that much, even when I played softball everyday) b/c they don't see me when I'm still on that damn elliptical an hour later.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I also have to say to people who are afraid of joining the gym, it really does depend on the gym. I found the Goodlife here was ridiculous. A bar scene without the benefits of a bar.

    I did a two week trial at the Y and was hooked. A good mix of super fit, young, old, overweight, fashionable, not so fashionable. Where you can talk to the person beside you and if you're doing something wrong, someone will usually stop and help.

    So if you have the option, try a couple gym's. Most will give you a trial if you ask for it and tell them why.
  • Is it not up to the gym instructor to support people? I think they should speak to people and advice them on the best use of the equipment.
    I don't see any point posting such comments on this website as it will only scare people off or make them uncomfortable.
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