too much protein?

bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
is that possible? my diary says I am already over. hummmm!!


  • kpepper07
    kpepper07 Posts: 41
    mine usually says I am way over my allowance but I think lean protein is good for you. I am interested in seeing what other say!
  • KhollerSA05
    KhollerSA05 Posts: 39 Member
    As we all know our bodies need protein. The problem occurs when people often times as a result of not drinking enough water will begin to have kidney problems. With protient your body can't store it so it has to process it out. your kidneys needs lots of water to do this, so if you're not drinking enough water it can cause issues with infections and kidney stones.
  • JennaLee1486
    JennaLee1486 Posts: 101 Member
    It depends on how much you exercise. If you are exercising a lot, you need that protein. I also don't think lean protein is bad for you. Look at the fat counts in your diary, if those are up, be concerned..... if it's just your protein that's up I don't see an issue! But, that's just my opinion!
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well, yes it's possible. It's also possible to get too much water. But quite unlikely unless you're really trying. You're safe with protein consumption being even 1 g per lb of body weight, even more would actually be fine. MFP's default for protein level is quite low. You can change your settings if you want by going into Home - Change goals - Custom...
  • haldeman5
    haldeman5 Posts: 121 Member
    I go over almost everyday! I almost always eat lean protein and I am always under in my fat, calories & carbs. I figure of all the ones to go over that is the one to do:-) Good Luck!!!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    yep, me too, almost every day. Excess protein can turn into fat but I think its better than eating fat in the first place.
  • same here,,, my protein has always been over,, not much though! i'm doing the southbeach diet and i try to focus on the calories, fats and carbs mostly! my breakfast was 2 eggs and 2 slices of canadian bacon, which is typical for phase I for me. phase II will probably be easier on the protein when i add in some fruit and oatmeal for breakfast instead!! i think it's ok,,, hang in there!! :)
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I started eating vegetarian once a week to see what would happen and on those days I am almost spot on with my protein. I have founds tons of new goods and it has really been fun. If you eat meat it might surprise you that you don't miss it in some meals.
  • Most nutritionists have a formula for what is you optimal protein intake in grams.
    I believe the formula is BODY WEIGHT X .37

    So mine would be about 90g a day. (245 x .37)
    However, I have seen diets recommending up to 1g per lb of body weight. (1:1)

    Now it comes down to philosophy. Food guide, USDA says 90g a day (for me), but the extreme is 250g
    Personally, I've been seeing a lot of data that supports more protein - and fat too.
    Higher protein means less diabetes inducing sugars in my blood, which I like the sound of.

    My guess is that 250g of protein would be very difficult to ingest in a day. If a chicken breast (100g) has about 16g of protein, that means eating the equivalent of 15 chicken breasts a day... seems silly, unattainable even.

    As a starting point, I'm going to try and hit over the 90g - if I can make 200g I will be pleased. The greater factor for me is the carbs. I want to be under 50g daily, and I am going to shoot for under 20g

    My 2 cents worth...

    GL Bek!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    If you're building muscle, a lot of people recommend 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fats. MFP lets you adjust your percentages in your settings. While you are at it, consider raising your fiber intake to about 25 grams, cause MFP sets us sooo low!
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    Myfitnesspal's protein alottment is way too low to begin with. I always aim to be in the red.

    I eat 1200 calories a day and 90 grams of protein. (40-30-30 plan)
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    Going over on protein is only bad if you have kidney or liver disease, and even then, it has to be a TON to do any damage to you. For everyone else it's great for muscle recovery.
  • aesoliday
    aesoliday Posts: 3 Member
    I general Americans include to much protein in their diets. I am a nutrition student working on my RD and as mentioned above by other blogs there are lots of formulas to determine the amount of protein you should get in your diet. The source of protein makes a difference as well. You need to be sure to get all your essential amino acids which is mostly a concern for vegetarians as animal proteins will contain all 10 automatically, while soy is the only plant source that does. Protein in excess in people who limit their carbohydrate intakes can in fact lead to kidney problems. In individuals with kidney disease the ability to rid the body of the byproducts of protein metabolism becomes impaired and causes a pH imbalance in the blood which becomes dangerous if protein intake is not monitored. Weight lifters, and individuals who have suffered certain traumas will need higher intakes of protein than the average individual to replace loss.
    If you want to decrease your protein intake think of a serving of meat (3oz) being the size of your palm or a deck of cards and only eat "animal" protein " one or two meals out of the day. Whole grains, brown rice and beans all contain protein as well but in smaller amounts, they are also high in fiber and other important nutrients. More than anything else it's a balancing act if you are meeting your carb and "good" fat intake for the day I wouldn't be terribly concerned if your protein is a little over occasionally.
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