any other recent grads going through this?


  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    I know what you mean by the slump.. while I was lucky to find a job (and by lucky I mean if someone didn't overhear me talking to my mom at the right moment I'd be jobless) But it's crazy going from being a college student to an actual "adult". My boyfriend is still in college, so it's hard for him to relate to whats going on in the real world and I get jealous and wish I could just be a student again! (But I really don't want to do the homework! haha) You'll find a job though, the economy stinks right now, but just mention needing a job to people you know and send your resume to a ton of places just telling them to keep it on file in case they get an opening. And if you really want to go to grad school then keep trying! You'll get in somewhere :) Congrats on losing 6 lbs! Don't sell yourself short, you're 6 lbs lighter now and you have the motivation to go to the gym! Both are so great. So keep your head up and be proud of yourself! You'll be out of the slump soon :flowerforyou:
  • paulah4
    paulah4 Posts: 5
    I can relate to you on pretty much every thing, good and bad. I'm out of college 2 years this may and still no luck on a job. I haven't even been called for an interview. I did get a job last year that I had to leave because it was awful and depressing.

    The one good thing for me was going back to the job I had in college. A Curves opened up shortly after we moved to our new shop and I joined immediatly. I can honestly say that it's the only thing that has kept me sane over the last year.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I graduated at the same as you and while I can definitely say I've been lucky in my post grad life I think some level of depression is natural in that kind of transition. It's hard to leave behind college. I also have a lot of friends who are in the boat in that they have no found jobs in their fields, etc. Just keep working at it and make sure you use this time to become a better candidate (maybe go back to school, even just undergrad, and supplement your current coursework). Good luck!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    Thanks everyone for reading and replying. I hate to ask for support, but I really need it right now, so thanks! yes, this transition is always hard for everyone, but I've had major depressive disorder with violent bipolar-like mood swings since high school, so I'm dealing with the typical "post-grad slump" depression PLUS the mood problems I've always had to deal with. With these two combined, I'm barely coping. I'm on medication and going to counseling, but it's not helping me enough to see the beauty in things, which is what's so scary about it. Even in moments that I know are happy, there's a constant "dark cloud" of dread hanging over me that I can't seem to shake. I pray this will pass...sooner rather than later, or I may not make it.
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