Newbie to MFP but not to weight loss :)

Hi everyone!
I'm new here (as of last week) and am really enjoying using this site so far. I am very motivated right now and have been sticking to my diet and exercise routine like a champ :) I have been loosing weight for about 2 years now and have lost a total of 52.4 lbs. This past year I have not been able to bust through my plateau and lose these last stubborn 15 lbs so I have decided to try this site out as well as some new exercise routines.
I go to the gym at least 4 days a week (usually during my lunch hour) and am currently training for my first mini triathlon in June (300 yd swim, 12 k bike, 3 k run). I took my first swim class last week which I am very excited about and I have been spinning/running for a few years now. I love to do bodyblast (weight training and calisthetic class), yoga and Zumba as well. I am planning on buying a bike and starting to bike to work (8.5km each way) to help add some extra exercise to my routine.
I hope to shred these last 15 lbs by summer. I am getting married in Puerto Vallarta in January 2012 so am really pushing to be the best and skinniest me by that point!
Wish me luck!! Add me as a friend if you like :)
