
Hferrigan Posts: 1
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All,

My name is Heather I am a bride to be who needs motivation to lose weight... Iam happy in my relationship and my soon to be husband tells me i am beautifull all of the time, but i dont feel that way. I have gained 70lbs in the past 4 years.. It took me 4 years to put in on so im hopeing it wont take too long to melt it off...lol .. But anyway I am 21 years old and i work two jobs as well as going to school full time.. I feel like i don't have time to work out so i really appreciate all of the motivation I can get..

Thanks .:Heather:.


  • kapana
    kapana Posts: 7
    Hi Heather Welcome :), this site is awesome, I have been doing it alittle over a week, and lost 1 pound, you can friend request if you want we need all the support we can get!!!
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    All the very best Heather..I'm Heather too but been married 30years! Good luck with getting into shape for your wedding and husband to be BUT most of all get into shape for yourself!! You'll feel great. Sounds like you are working way too hard! Really try to walk somewhere - sometime....and watch those calories!! All the very best
  • dustylcsmith
    dustylcsmith Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome aboard! and good luck!
  • Lana359
    Lana359 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi, Heather! :smile: You can add me as a friend. I know how you feel. My fiance' tells me, " I'm, just fine & beautiful." too. But I don't feel comfortable at my present weight. That's why, like you, I've decided to do something about it. For myself! :wink: The people here are very supportive & MFP has helped me stay accountable with what & how much I eat & with my exercise.
  • coakes31
    coakes31 Posts: 32 Member
    Heather, you can do it girl! I been doing this for a few months and have lost 17lbs. Kapana said it right, this site is awesome. =) I work a FT job plus OT when needed and take care of 4 kids ranging from 15,10,8 1/2 and 5 pretty much FT by myself because my husbands job requires him to travel a lot and also 3 of the 4 kids are in sports, scouts and cheerleading.

    I too struggle to find the time to get my work outs in. Either I get up early before people are awake to work out or sometime in the evening. No matter what time it is I figure Im getting it in. In case I cant do my full work out, I will do a bunch sit ups, squats, jumping jacks, lunges, easy stuff like that before I get into bed-its still some sort of exercise right?

    When I am at work I will walk around the building for 15 mns or more if I can on my breaks or at lunch. If you can find the time between classes or work just try to walk or what ever even if it is 10-15 mns, its a start!

    If you want to add me you can, I will be here to support you in anyway!
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