SOO Annoying!!

Ash10Dent Posts: 75
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I just need to complain!

I work at a daycare on the Air Force base we live at. We have a cook that works there that is the most disrespectful person I have ever met. He absolutely not a clue on how to talk to women or what is appropriate. He calls all the women "MAMA" even though he's been told not to, and when he first started working there he used to always tell us about how much better men are than women. No lie, he was flat out say that men were better than women. Can you say stupid? He's working in a building full of women! Anyway, he always picks on me about being on diets and tells me I don't need to be on a diet because I need to be getting pregnant. We have this conversation all of the time. I don't want children! Okay anyway to the point the other day he was in the room I was and the kids were eating. He asked me if I was still dieting and I said yes, I have lost 10 lbs. He looked at me and said I don't see a difference. You don't look like you've lost any weight to me. I was like thanks! You should probably just walk away before I slap you. So rude! If you don't see a difference don't say anything at all, instead of hurting my feelings. He was completely oblivious to hurting my feelings though. I don't know how his wife can stand him lol. He does the same thing to her!


  • kdouglas11
    kdouglas11 Posts: 185 Member
    Sounds like his 'Mama' didn't raise him right! What a jerk!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I heard a (not new) statement (again) today: You can't argue with stupid.

    Tell him that. He won't get it. Garanteed.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    have you complained to your HR person?
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Who cares what a *kitten* thinks.
  • Ash10Dent
    Ash10Dent Posts: 75
    Oh trust me, HR knows..and they've made it clear they don't care. Management is horrible there and you can talk to anyone the way you want without getting in trouble!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    afraid I would not last long in my job if I took that attitude with our employees. if it gets bad, escalate.
  • N_BEAST_MODE_24_7
    N_BEAST_MODE_24_7 Posts: 120 Member
    I just need to complain!

    I work at a daycare on the Air Force base we live at. We have a cook that works there that is the most disrespectful person I have ever met. He absolutely not a clue on how to talk to women or what is appropriate. He calls all the women "MAMA" even though he's been told not to, and when he first started working there he used to always tell us about how much better men are than women. No lie, he was flat out say that men were better than women. Can you say stupid? He's working in a building full of women! Anyway, he always picks on me about being on diets and tells me I don't need to be on a diet because I need to be getting pregnant. We have this conversation all of the time. I don't want children! Okay anyway to the point the other day he was in the room I was and the kids were eating. He asked me if I was still dieting and I said yes, I have lost 10 lbs. He looked at me and said I don't see a difference. You don't look like you've lost any weight to me. I was like thanks! You should probably just walk away before I slap you. So rude! If you don't see a difference don't say anything at all, instead of hurting my feelings. He was completely oblivious to hurting my feelings though. I don't know how his wife can stand him lol. He does the same thing to her!

    Dear Friend,

    Don't let this A**hole bother you, turn your hurtful feelings into calorie burning energy for the gym. Cant let someone that has no standards tear you down, continue to live life to its fullest, God will deal with him. Sometimes the best way to deal with ppl is not to say anything to them at all, soon they will get the message, or maybe you can report him to the staff. Anyways Good Luck and NEVER GIVE UP!!!
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Id smile and never speak a word to that man again. Silence is golden. ;)
  • Ash.... If HR doesn't care then the EEOC will, it's very easy to make a claim and let them take it from there, especially if HR isn't doing anything about it.
  • 1hotmama2b
    1hotmama2b Posts: 24 Member
    I have an uncle EXACTLY like that, except he's unemployed..... At a birthday supper for my elderly grandma, he asked if I was seeing any results, and I said, no, net as of yet, but I am getting healthier. He said "Ya, I thought your face was even rounder than Christmas time..." I don't know what else he said, I stopped listening- Guys like that are uneducated fools. If you have an HR department, I would put in a written complaint. You seem like a strong enough gal to realize he's the idiot, but what happens when he says something wrong to a girl who isn't strong enough to see that? He needs to be disciplined! Keep up the great work!!!
  • danarochelle
    danarochelle Posts: 212 Member
    Who cares what a *kitten* thinks.

    AMEN!!! We have one here in our office and I just roll my eyes! Not worth your time!
  • 1hotmama2b
    1hotmama2b Posts: 24 Member
    Oh trust me, HR knows..and they've made it clear they don't care. Management is horrible there and you can talk to anyone the way you want without getting in trouble!

    That is ridiculous. I'm from Canada, so unsure what the process is there. However, I do know that without putting too much energy into it, I would escalate who you report this to. Sounds like a poor excuse of an HR department. I would think that the military would be ashamed if something like that ever got out to the public!!!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Ash.... If HR doesn't care then the EEOC will, it's very easy to make a claim and let them take it from there, especially if HR isn't doing anything about it.

  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    Id smile and never speak a word to that man again. Silence is golden. ;)

    I agree, he'll move on to another target if you don't get upset and don't give him any fuel
  • digby765
    digby765 Posts: 163
    Ooooh what a numpty :grumble: I've had people like this in my life from time to time, and i eventually learned to cut them short, and not to engage in conversations with them...Maybe to can remain polite but give them no real information about yourself. , similarly the management, enjoy your work and if it become too much, seek other employment, where genuine real people work, you know the sort that support all your hard work including your achievements to improve your life...You know you're doing well, be proud of you , well done you remember actions speak louder than words...
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    sounds like the type of person who feeds on annoying others and the more people react to it, the more he will do it.

    Ignore him, he's not worth the energy.

    Congrats on your weight loss by the way!!
  • SGartz
    SGartz Posts: 57
    Kick him in his baby makers!!!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    he is just an idiot trying to get attention. He's probably just insecure...Go to his supervisor and if they don't do anything about it...I would go above them. No one should have to put up with idiots like him.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Ash.... If HR doesn't care then the EEOC will, it's very easy to make a claim and let them take it from there, especially if HR isn't doing anything about it.


  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member

    I really hope you don't let someone this idiotic get to you. Coming from a guy like that it's not worth getting hurt over.
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