WTH! Only ate half of my target calories.... Help.

tssa Posts: 93 Member
I usually eat every 2 to 2 and a half hours, breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner (I haven't ate dinner yet today). I plan my meals out weekly and portion control very closely. Through out the day, I'm not constantly hungry and sometimes I have to make myself eat to use calories.

My food choices are healthy and filling. After I logged my food diary, I was shocked to see that my calorie count was pretty low, about 1055 out of 2940 calories. I've already worked out for today, which burned 110 calories already considered into my total calories target today. My dinner tonight probably won't be no more than 450 - 500 calories.

Does anybody have any healthy food tips on using more calories? I don't want my body going into starvation mode.....:frown:


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You might be underestimating your calories. Do you measure and weigh everything you eat? Think about little bites here and there... are you just guessing on portions, or do you really know how much you are eating? Say you are eating a whole chicken breast... most chicken breasts are 6-8 oz. and you could be logging it as 4.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    You will not go into starvation mode any time soon. A few days under or even a few months wont hurt if you are heavier. Nuts, avacado, peanut butter and similar things are high in good fats and calories. Be careful of serving sizes with them . . it adds up fast.
  • Jayni40
    Jayni40 Posts: 123 Member
    If your not allergic nuts or all natural peanut butter are good healthy high calorie fillers. They are kinda high in fat but they are the good fats that your body needs Thats what I use when I'm low in calories.
  • Nonvictus
    Lean protein and high-fiber foods are always a good bet! Like grilled chicken (watch the sodium you use), over brown rice with a little spice, fresh lemon & cilantro! It's tasty, and a good way eat another 400-600 cals (depending on how much rice you eat).
  • tssa
    tssa Posts: 93 Member
    You might be underestimating your calories. Do you measure and weigh everything you eat? Think about little bites here and there... are you just guessing on portions, or do you really know how much you are eating? Say you are eating a whole chicken breast... most chicken breasts are 6-8 oz. and you could be logging it as 4.

    I measure everything and portion out everything.

    The only snacking I do are the snacks that I've fixed for my day, this way I know exactly what I'm eating. No mindless snacking like eating candy, chips, or stuff like.

    Thanks for helping me out. :smile:
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    ALMONDS!!! Actually nuts in general. They're high calorie and good for you. Avacado is good as well.

    Don't be afraid to listen to your body though. Obviously eating only 1/3rd or 1/2 of you calories for the day is pretty extreme and I think you're right to want to bump that up, but you shouldn't have to force yourself to eat all the time when you're not hungry! If you find yourself in that situation often you may want to adjust your profile accordingly (ie bump yourself down to sedentary even if you're not, or go into the manual calorie settings and straight up change them to what you think is more in line with what your body needs).
  • OBXGal
    OBXGal Posts: 113 Member
    I think it takes a while of serious calorie deficits to make your body go into starvation mode from what I've read. Some days I have the same problem...I'm at 1200 calories a day and sometimes I just can't get them all in, I don't like to eat unless I'm hungry. Then other days I just can't get enough, it's like my body is zig zagging calories.

    If you want to eat more of your calories just make smart choices...I try to stick with apples and peanut butter, grapes (which were surprisingly high in calories to me for a fruit), a handful of almonds, etc.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Nuts are a great choice...not peanuts.

  • kkellam1
    kkellam1 Posts: 182 Member
    I know its a controversial topic but I really don't think starvation mode should concern you. Sometimes we are just not hungry and to me it doesn't make sense to eat just to add calories. Starvation mode needs an extended period of time to happen, certainly more than a day or two.

    Personally my net calories are ALWAYS under 1200. My total calories are typically between 1200 and 1400. I have lost an average of 5 pounds a week for the last 10 weeks and show no signs of ill health. I believe a lot of it depends on your current siuation (I am a big guy with lots to lose) but a day here and a day there wont hurt anything.

    Just my opinion and I know there will be many who diagree with me.